Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Want to find a specific manga/doujinshi? Hello there. I'm new to this site so I'm not exactly sure about whether this topic is even necessary, but I couldn't find it (in all my searching of Three pages of the forums...) so I made this a topi…
The Grey Knight Art raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Antw0n and District Attorney Sneakyone "Sneaks" Greggu, Art sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plagu…
What is the Name of Your Crush? Thumbnail
What is the Name of Your Crush? What is the name of crush?
So deep Spoiler:…
How big is you hentai/porn folder I got 100 gb of porn and 35 gb of hentai i like to dl porn :)
[Anime] Stringendo & Accelerando Ultimatum Sera I After a long, long rest, the subbing department of FAKKU-Subs has returned with a blast! I present to you Stringendo & Accelerando Ultim…
Uncle Phil died. Sucks.
Crazy Shit The first response explains it all.
Become a real Furry! Furfag. As if.
Onizuka They truly broke the mold when they made this character.
[ Poll ] What is the hottest dress a woman can wear? All, if not most girls in the hentai manga end up naked, but before they are, do what they wear add to the action itself? What is the hottest dress a woman can wear to seduce or please the man she lik…
Urobutcher... You sick, heartwrenching bastard...First Madoka, then Gargantia, then Psycho Pass, and now I finished Fate Muthafuckin' Zero... …
Could you date/fuck a black woman? After this topic came up on Skype, it got me curious as to what fakkuza generally think of black women. I've noticed online they seem to get a pretty bad rep(and if you think im lying just look …
Monstergirl... And now my dear friends, slowly we wait for this years arrival of monstergirl tags...
Corruption of Worlds Greetings Fakku one and all I have a Question that has been Circulateing around my brain for some time now, I figured I should ask the Hentai Experts if this would be a good idea or not...…
Congrats everyone You've manged to live pass the year. But lets never forget the ones that didn't ...
Sequel to after school dick time! I found it while browsing the webernet and thought I should, so I uploaded it here.