Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


I was playing Jurassic Park Builder And I discovered a way to cheat at the game. Basically reset the time on the park so all processes complete instantly instead of having to wait for them to complete. A quick search reveals…
the feeling your right but everyone says your wrong. has anyone felt like this before? I always feel like this when having a conversation with my dad it's like all my actions is all wrong always wrong like always like and why does everything I do wrong …
[ Poll ] Anal? This is anall very banal. Edit: There are 69 "Anal."s. That's the joke.
Describe me. i don't know, whether it's "Shit poster of the decade" or "Kangaroo fucker" or anything really.
Could you date/fuck an asian woman? After this topic hit my head, it got me curious of what the community thinks of Asian women.
ITT: HEALTH And Huge tracts of land Spoiler:…
Fakku's Secret Santa Event 2013 Fakku's Fourth annual …
Techniques I'm a bit drunk right now, how do I get sober quicker since I have something important coming up?
If I look at my penis, I get hard Does that make me gay?
Sometimes when I get a boner... I put a little suit on him and pretend like he's going on a business trip
Christ I want to fuck a hot MILF Thumbnail
Christ I want to fuck a hot MILF Is there a store that sells them somewhere?
Do I get... a 3DS or wait a few weeks and buy a PS4. On another note, Happy New Year to you guys.
So I started to read Uzumaki the horror classic by Junji Ito makes me wonder how many people confused it with some kind of side story for Naruto…
Discuss What show would you like to watch while getting a blowjob?
Chair Lifting See if you can do it
Corpse Party Tortured Souls So much guro. It's funny as shit. "Why are you frightened? Is it because I'm covered in blood and mutilating corpses with a crowbar? Come here, I'll help you find your onii-chan.....I SAID…
When will Asia bone us or... When do you think a big country like China or some other wannabee-evil-villain-type-country-that-makes-dick-waving-contests-with-the-US [size=1]north korea[/h] will come out and annex all of us…