brok3n butterfly wrote...
Just finished it. Almost cried when Shanghai said [size=1]"I have become the onee-chan"[/h]. It was also good kana practice to read that. The art is great, especially Patche but there is some bias in that, the story is solid too. More please.
Don't be a heartless jerk and just cry! That's my favorite scene.
Anyway, glad you enjoy it. Since you like Remi, I recommend you to read "Sound of the Bells" (link and description in the front page), again by Morino-hon. She is not really the main character/focus, but I'm sure you will enjoy it.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Has anyone made a VN style danmaku game? It feels like it would be really entertaining to get deep into a story then fight someone at the end.
Concealed the Conclusion.
Don't read the Story section. If you're interested, then I can try to find some download links only if they (still) exist.
Harune wrote...
I like what i'm hearing
Ohh, it's real nice. I've never heard of Chronos Record before. Are they specialists in folk ?
Harune wrote...
giving me the chance to reach the "Item get line".
Try to use Youmu, Haru. She is able to kill enemies by using her focused shot, thus also allowing you to move freely.
It will help you to breath properly.
Zandorf wrote...
My favorite for scoring in TD is Marisa, because she's the easiest to graze with. IMO.
I had the most accidents while using her, lol.