brok3n butterfly wrote...
Thank you Rin.
You're welcome.
Zandorf wrote...
The vsync patch? What's that?
A little something you could put into your Touhou game folder to help reduce the in-game input delay.
They are very helpful and must-have for older games like EoSD and PCB. These shouldn't be really needed in newer games, though it's preferable to use it just in case.
You can check for the up-to-date vsync patches
Seeing you all talking about Sanae in TD tempted me to write a personal overview for all characters. Below are
my personal opinion and overview, so here they are:
Reimu Hakurei
Unfocused shot helps clearing the screen full of enemies and it's also got a respectable power to wipe those bigger fairies/enemies. Her focused shot are fast, straightforward and packs a punch. Good bombs, though it could be a bit tricky to do a maximum damage with it.
Her small hitbox makes it easier to maneuver and dance in the middle of dense bullets my personal favorite pastime, but in exchange, her movement speed is the slowest which can hinder in collecting spirits. Though it seems to be redeemed with her special ability during trance which makes all spirits gather towards her. Good ol' Reimu being greedy!
A flexible and friendly character for all as usual. I'd say she's the best choice for survival play and dancing in the middle of bullets, grazing, grazing. Graze like I want to win.
Marisa Kirisame
Unfocused shot is lazors, who doesn't like lazors in shmups? Her lasers combined with her insane speed are fast and strong enough to sweep fairies and lesser enemies in no time. Her focused is slower, yet strong missiles with a bit splash damage which is also good. The downside is her bomb which makes her moves really slooooww, slower than Reimu.
Her speed and power also make it possible for collecting and combo more spirits better. Also, she's really got insane power and pumped up speed during trance.
She's all about shooting enemies till they are dead. The second best character for scoring. Unfortunately I found it could be harder to maneuver in the middle of dense bullets with her due to the big hitbox and insane movement speed even in her focused state.
Sanae Kochiya
Sanae is a good girl.At first she seemed like a poor man's Reimu (with same premise but weaker stats in everything). But she could be frustrating to use. Unfocused shot covers wide area, good to sweep lesser enemies but she'll get hard time trying to sweep those larger enemies/fairies, especially in later stages (4, 5, and 6 came in mind). Focused shot is kinda tricky and weird to use I'd prefer shotgunning with her unfocused than using her focused shot. Her bomb is on par with Reimu's and slightly longer which really helps her to graze and collect points/spirits more.
She does seem to be rather plain and not excels on anything compared to the others, save for her special ability that makes it possible to fill her trance gauge 1.5X faster than the other playable characters thus allows her to reach trance more often. Spamming her bombs, grazing for spirits and do more trance is the way to maximize her potential.
Youmu Konpaku
New hairstyle to celebrate her as the main character in TD! Like in San Andreas when Ryder told CJ to get a new haircut before he's back to represent Grove Street. Or was it something like in anime? When a new haircut typically represent character change/growth?
What should I say... the girl really pack punches. Speed like Marisa's, unfocused shot that can be aligned to spread wide so it can sweep enemies easily or it can be focused on the middle to nuke greater enemies/bosses, focused shot that can cover wide area and got power, extremely small hitbox during focused state, and insane attack power during trance.
She really overdid it in this time I'd say. Though to be fair, she can take some time to get used to due to her unusual shot type(mainly her focused which is must be charged first). but in all, in my opinion she's the second best choice for survival play, and the best choice for scoring.