Harune wrote...
And hoping i'm doing this right, the final score should be 493.517.930 (?)
I tried to count it three times and I got 493.305.870 in every tries.
Good job, Haru. I don't see a lot of people using Sanae as the edge of their blade.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Come to think of it. Most of the time the final stage boss isnt "evil". They are just doing whatever they want or something strange starts to happen.
It's not most, but all. Some of them may have a seemingly evil scheme before the respective game starts due to the oddities they caused, but it's later revealed that they mean no ill intention. Some of them only want to satisfy their curiosity (e.g. Yuyucow), or to do what they want/need to do (e.g Remilia, Kanyanko, and Kaguya - Eirin), or nothing (actually) threatening really happens at all (e.g plot in PoFV)
For the other one; well... Okuu is simply bird-brained, but that trait is needed to contain a divine spirit in her body. Yet, she was still possessed by Yatagarasu's powers and influence. And that evil scheme of hers, by explicitly conquering the world, wasn't really her original idea to begin with.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I-is it too soon to ask when the next one is? Joking. TSA and novels need some attention before they become further neglected.
We always have some ideas in our tab, but with no time to announce or to participate in some of it. You will find out in time it's on board. Besides, we have yet to try TSA and Hisoutensoku with Hamachi, right.