Zandorf wrote...
What would you suggest?
Comic Sans. Its so "pleasing" you can't look directly at it.
Yeah, if only I can death bomb in the time required to... So far, the farthest Extra card I've gotten to in all Touhou games, is Fujiwara no Mokou's third spell card, Fujiwara "Flaw of Forgiving Shrine".
The SDM people I like is Flan-chan, Remilia, Koakuma, and maybe Patchy. I can pass on Sakuya and Meiling.
I have 2 Touhou wives. Remilia and... CHEN!!!! And I will get Cirno as my wife this upcoming Waifu game!!! >:V
I have Mystia, Rumia, and Suwako as my little sisters. ^^
Applause for having extra unlocked in more than one game.
Koakuma, I forgot about her. She needs more appearances.
Is the waifu game even worth the time?
Rumia eats people. That was a bit surprising to find out.
My answer/opinion in response to the first part needs to wait since I have yet/don't have time to play IN. Well, I admit that 'don't have time' is an exaggeration, but ghosts still need to eat and rest, you know. For example, 16 hours sleep a day, that should be enough.
I'd rather face Reimu, mainly because I know her weakness. Marisa's stars could be annoying if you didn't finish her as fast as possible. Not to count her extravagantly hellish non-directional lasers (dem pirate).
That feeling of there not being enough hours in the day. We are all familiar with that.
Reimu for me as well. That might be because I have more practice against her than Marisa but those lasers with stars are difficult. Boundaries are much more preferable.
Ahem, I don't intend to watch it though, so all is actually fine.
Watching it will leave you unsatisfied since the second season ends abruptly with a "to be continued". It will be continued by the movie and possible 3rd season in the upcoming
years. In that time though you can read the
novels with plenty of time to spare. The Railgun animes are worth watching as the content is anime original. It will definitely appeal to any Mikoto fan living in you. That counts as repentance.
If I recall correctly, I knew and played my first Toho (10.5 : SWR / 12.3 : Hisoutensoku) and danmaku (9.0 : PoFV) in September 2010. Before that, I only knew some of more popular Toho characters like Sakkyun/Reimundo/Maricat, which is bad because I knew them initially from fanworks with emphasized fanon elements. One of the fanvids that caught my attention the most was Hana Kagura, which is all the reason I need to support Kinema-kan... till their farewell.
For additional information, my first Toho love is Sakuya. She is like the root of all my knowledge regarding Toho.
To tell you the truth, by the time I helped Rin to make this club, I actually didn't have enough knowledge to support my indirect "I know Touhou" claim by being a co-leader. My first experience of Touhou was simply 'first', I didn't continue it, nor did I even try to put in more effort in trying to be a better player. Heck, I didn't even know who is Medicine Melancholy or Minoriko sisters, only to name a few.
Let's just say, to compensate what I was lacking as a co-leader, I started to read and analyze nearly all of Toho characters' entries in wiki by that time. To fix more of what I was lacking in danmaku/gameplay-wise, I started to train myself from zero just 11/2 month (roughly in april 2011) before club's first danmaku-related event, Hanami.
Happy 2nd anniversary in a few months. Do you know anyone/has anyone started playing the Touhou games because they were initially interested in the games? The fanon material is much easier to find so I can understand people starting there and playing the games after. I'm not saying the games are unpopular; I'm saying that Touhou is unique in that the fan content appears to be much more eminent than the games.
How did you do in that first event?
I still have a hard time to change my pace from scoring to surviving, not counting how mad I would be if I ever made a mistake. But overall, I can now consider myself a better player than I was in Double Desires. How about you?
Don't get too mad at yourself over mistakes. Before 10 Trials 1cc-ing normal TD was impossible and I lived at the bottom of the screen. I've improved enough to 1cc twice and feel far more comfortable with it. Learning about scoring and getting familiar with using the whole screen has helped in TD as well as other games. I have become better as well.
... If I were Yuyuko, then you would be my Youmu. If I were Hitler, then you would be my propaganda minister, Goebbels. It's now settled. Parfecto.
Just alert me in time you play Sengoku Rance, the sooner the better though. Only for a notifier, Rance is someone who will do this just for the sake of doing 'it'.
I'll be anything you want as long as you don't eat me. If only Hitler was that cute. What are the world war 2 girls from?
I will keep you informed of when Sengoku Rance is started.
Giant backlog