Merry eid -- eid mubarak to all of you who celebrates it :3
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
it's not that big of deal.
even nurumaya does this sometimes.
although in Panzer,he uses Nitori to explain the wondrous world and the history of Tanks.
pretty obvious coming from someone who always dressed in army suit while selling hois own Touhou
Ohoo, Nurumaya's non-h. I think I've seen it before somewhere on internets... but it's still in RAW, so I didn't get it. Whoa, Panzer always dressed in army get-up? Interesting!
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...

That Sakuya... look suspiciously masculine. Was it A TRAP?!
Zandorf wrote...
Late Edit: Anyone know what Mima's theme song is?
No! Don't! It's better if you don't know her songs. They are... haunted and filled with unimaginable horror. Long ago after I listened to them... she -- she came! (ºдಠ)
Old - Jenkins wrote...
I am volunteering
Rinpenguin to help with the Stardust Fireworks Project.
D-D-DOUSHIO? Marriage proposal... (;゜д゜)
mangaka350 wrote...
Has anyone agree that lasers is the most annoying bullets in Touhou??? :V
I find that, this type

(anyone know its name?) and star-shaped bullets are even more annoying than lasers.