Janae wrote...
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have Toho as the way it is. ZUN already made most of his characters with the most basic information, ambiguous origin, and certain implications. Unfortunately, some of them leave much to be desired, but that's also one point of what makes Toho favorable, if you catch my drift.
To be honest, I never really like something that I can understand simply by blatantly seeing it, unless it's meant to be all-jokes/comedies or anything in that line. Of course I am not asking for deep and complicated twists-oriented stories. As long as it's cleverly entertaining, then there should be no complain on my part. Something mysterious has its own charm, don't you agree ?
Touhou is good this way. It would be nice if ZUN filled in all the details, background, etc for everyone but it would turn the series into something more like math class. Everything possible is known and all answers are black and white facts. Its more like philosophy where not everything is clear and things can be argued one way or another. That said, I feel its more likely that we're over-thinking the series and its just intended to be a fun shooting game without really deep storylines or backgrounds.
Janae wrote...
I read all of your conjectures, but this one point is what attracted me the most. It's not like you are wrong, but it's not entirely accurate either as there are a lot of ways for youkai to exist, with one of them being like what you stated. Let's not forget Kogasa, Medicine, Alice, and Byakuren, to name a few.
Sorry about that, I didn't know that you have yet to read SSiB. Let's continue this discussion again later in time you have read it thoroughly. That, and I also want to know why 'Yukari herself is a boundary' idea ever passed your theory bank
Kogasa is just a "godly" umbrella angry at humans who ignored her. From a human perspective she (the umbrella) developed supernatural life
and went on a rampage of getting people wet. Medicine Alice and Byakuren are just different.
I thought of Yukari being a boundary because there are youkai who were a physical or abstract thing in the outside world before coming to Gensokyo or becoming a youkai. Kogara and Nue come to mind. Current reading Curiosities of Lotus Asia. Doing the print works in order of release.
Speaking of Curiosities, when I finish this chapter I'm on I may have lots of questions depending on how it ends. Currently on the bones appearing in the Graveyard for the Nameless chapter.
Finished that chapter. ZUN's wordplay makes me facepalm. Just finished the chapter where Rinnosuke partially goes to the outside world then meets Yukari. The whole scene is funny and scary at the same time. Knowing shes a perpetual liar and how she acted there fit perfectly into my image of her. Se is definitely not someone to anger. She also took off with the iPod but it counts as payment for the fuel. More importantly, how the hell does she have an infinite supply of kerosene? I'm suspecting that is a blatant lie just as a show of power.
Relating to the bones. Isn't ZUN going to go back to those? Like identical bones dont just leave people or youkai so what on Gensokyo is going on there?
Janae wrote...
Of course there is any. It may sound arrogant, but I truly have no intention to associate myself with them for more than one reasons. If your 'violent' refers to constant humiliation like 'for kids', 'what are you, pathetic otaku ? (for no valid reason, people around me always label otaku in derogatory term)', 'waste of money (given that I am not really what you would call rich)', etc etc, then yes.
I was thinking of physical attacks but that works too.
Janae wrote...
Honestly, I cannot think of Yukari being defeated in mind games. She's like ... someone whom you wouldn't understand even if you manage to read her expressions, eyes, and mind. Maybe I give her too much credit, but there is really no specific limit of her power, which makes it very creepy.
That would be even more interesting. To see Miko's reaction to that.
You say theres no limit on her power but then you said Eiki is much stronger. Is Eiki infinitely strong too then?
Janae wrote...
We already know a lot about her. There is no spotlight reserved for the useless youkai of Th12.
We need more. After reading all of the dialogue she has in UFO extra she is more interesting than before. Mostly the Sanae+Suwako dialogue, what exactly was that "dressing up" Sanae had in mind and how can the internet get pictures of that?
Janae wrote...
I already knew you were a pedophile, don't worry.
Everyone in Gensokyo is of legal drinking age.
I'm holding a question related to this and Curiosities for now.
The question is in a later post. "Where is Gensokyo?". At the time of writing this I was thinking it was in a physical location on Earth that could never be reached by humans. Whatever country that was in is where I would say the drinking age is determined. Answer has subsequently changed so the point of drinking age is meaningless.
Janae wrote...
Something like this ?? Yes, please!
Clever wordplay, but it rubs me the wrong way. Should I drill your nosehole with parasol ?
You have read the doujin with Sakuya as dominant partner right? One specifically comes to mind where someones goes into the SDM gets knocked out, and Remi tells Sakuya to rape them senseless or something to that effect.
You currently are not "sunny" enough to use a parasol, God of wind.
Janae wrote...
I don't like catgirls.
Mice, dogs, rabbits, birds, and several youkai are fine too.