Zandorf wrote...
I don't think there can be two Yukaris... unless... it's allowed?
No, silly. You should use Reimu from that picture. Honestly, it's one lovely picture. Go go go.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
That said, I feel its more likely that we're over-thinking the series and its just intended to be a fun shooting game without really deep storylines or backgrounds.
That much is true. I recall ZUN ever said something about how he envisioned Toho as natural girly cuteness seasoned with Japanese oriental style. These are aspects that I don't want to disappear from Toho as time passes. While it's probably true that we overthink the series, it's also a fact that some characters have vague and unexplainable backstories, Izayoi Sakuya for example. It's also heavily implied in Perfect Cherry Blossom's floating messages during the reflowering of Saigyou Ayakashi and PMiSS that Yuyuko had a specific grudge when she was still a human.
All in all, there is one thing that I'm very sure; everyone in Toho is never tied to the past, no matter how awful it is. They are just simple people who live in the present, walking toward the limitless future.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
--Curiosities of Lotus Asia--
Kogasa is just a "godly" umbrella angry at humans who ignored her. From a human perspective she (the umbrella) developed supernatural life and went on a rampage of getting people wet. Medicine Alice and Byakuren are just different.
I thought of Yukari being a boundary because there are youkai who were a physical or abstract thing in the outside world before coming to Gensokyo or becoming a youkai. Kogara and Nue come to mind. Current reading Curiosities of Lotus Asia. Doing the print works in order of release.
Speaking of Curiosities, when I finish this chapter I'm on I may have lots of questions depending on how it ends. Currently on the bones appearing in the Graveyard for the Nameless chapter.
Finished that chapter. ZUN's wordplay makes me facepalm. Just finished the chapter where Rinnosuke partially goes to the outside world then meets Yukari. The whole scene is funny and scary at the same time. Knowing shes a perpetual liar and how she acted there fit perfectly into my image of her. Se is definitely not someone to anger. She also took off with the iPod but it counts as payment for the fuel. More importantly, how the hell does she have an infinite supply of kerosene? I'm suspecting that is a blatant lie just as a show of power.
Relating to the bones. Isn't ZUN going to go back to those? Like identical bones dont just leave people or youkai so what on Gensokyo is going on there?
... To tell you the truth, I have yet to read CoLA thoroughly, so I am abstain for now. Yes.. it's so SHAMEimaruFUL on my part. Promise, I will get back to it as soon as I'm finished reading it! Also, don't sue me for bad wordplay, it's not good for my heart.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
You say theres no limit on her power but then you said Eiki is much stronger. Is Eiki infinitely strong too then ?
Different power in context. Eiki is one of the higher ups not just in hell, but also the world itself since she is not a native to Gensokyo. It's part of her authority to punish those whom she considers guilty. On the other hand, Yukari may be godlike in Gensokyo, but there are always some people who are probably superior than her in term of authority, one of them is Eiki.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
We need more. After reading all of the dialogue she has in UFO extra she is more interesting than before. Mostly the Sanae+Suwako dialogue, what exactly was that "dressing up" Sanae had in mind and how can the internet get pictures of that ?
Save some spot for Sakuya. On topic about interesting dialogue, Sanae's childish remark (like that 'dress up') and obliviousness in UFO amuse me more than anything, I suppose it works too in her dialogue with Nue, albeit I myself have yet to try UFO extra.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I was thinking it was in a physical location on Earth that could never be reached by humans. Whatever country that was in is where I would say the drinking age is determined. Answer has subsequently changed so the point of drinking age is meaningless.
Gensokyo's location is supposed to be undetermined since it's located in the world of fantasy itself. ZUN said so, if I recall correctly.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
You have read the doujin with Sakuya as dominant partner right?
I haven't. I'm but a pure maiden.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
God of wind.
I am now an eccentric magician, also maiden. This is already expired.