Zanchan wrote...
becoming a Touhou junkie
Translated wrote...
My computer has clarified your tiny font you use, thus suggesting how you do..*goes off into Jenny-land*
What was that last part about Remilia being superior to all youkai?
You have a stalker wrote...
What kind of introduction anime/mango are you referring to though? If you're thinking that Touhou must have such things to introduce itself properly to attract more viewers, then I have to disagree. If what you suggested exist, then there would be less reasons to play the games, which is automatically killing one of Touhou's identities in my opinion.
I suppose a "this is how the story started", "where/when the story takes place", etc would be the first game. That and, like most series, each game isn't part of a continuous story (novel style) but more episodic installments (TV/games). I agree with you though, if there was an obvious "start here" flag, it wouldn't have the kind of curious mystery that attracts people. Simply put, someone would get curious after seeing Touhou parodies of everything and slowly acquaint him/herself with the games/fandom. A "start here" marker would mean potentially doing undesirable things first, or doing things that someone with a passing interest would find to difficult/time consuming. Imagine if the games didn't have easy mode for example, or if everything Touhou related was on one
paid-member only site.
The day when I turn Touhou into an ecchi anime is also the day when you suck oxygen with your own ass. (Picture of meat) My goodness. Just look at that butterfly, it's so beautiful it makes anything else insignificant.
That would be hilarious. Painful, but hilarious. Reimu a generic (type 0?) tsundere, Marisa the athletic girl, Yukari a kuudere, everyone else for fan-service. Something like Yuru-Yuri + fanservice + bullets/lasers everywhere would be the result. We may have to gouge your eyes out.
isnt the only
one with
a butterfly ornament
Pineapple wrote...
Ah, you do have a point. Maybe "parodied by Touhou fandom" is the more appropriate wording. Touhou, especially its fandom is really something isn't it? It never cease to amaze me.
Rule ⑨ and by extension rule 34-⑨. There is likely something, somewhere left
untouched by these rules. We just have to find it. (Are there any Fakku-Touhou parodies?)
Unrelated: Still think the games could use an online co-op, just to see how it would work.
Pinapuru wrote...
There are type 0, type 1, and type 2 in my book, but let's save it for another time.
I won't forgive you if you were making fun of me...[size=10]baka[/h]