Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hey! I'm not good at introductions so I'll keep it short, Hello Fakku!
HI~ Halor....nice 2 meet ya! i am newbie....
Hi Hello,i`m newbie and i`mhere too :D
hows it goin? Hi im new to the forum. It looked cool so I thought i'd check it out. Nice to meet you all.
AA Hi my name is Teeth & Fangs and I'm a addict
Brand New! Im brand new to the Fakku forums even though ive been downloading Doujins from this site for a minute. Nice to meet ya'll...
Conichiwa girls and boys (^w^) hello im from germany and if I may so express myself .. this site is gailomatiko !! (=german word for yeah its fcking good)
new recruit here hi guys im new here i kinda stumbled here while searching the net and what a great find i found :shock: , all my anime fantasy came alive..your site rocks :D anyways hope to meet all yo…
Hi Sorry if the intro is late, i was enjoying this awesome site. XD I found this site a while back but didn't know if i wanted to become a member, so basically i was trying to sum up the courage to…
hello Hello guys, My name is Simon. Im 19 years old. I visit your site very often. Im a TESCO worker from Poland living actually in Poland. I often workout at the gym 6 times a…
New Here Hello Everyone, I'm new to this web-site and I'm bidding all its members 'bonjour' :oops:
hi hi^^ lol hi um im new here && um lol idk sup?^^
Hi ^-^ Hi There I'm New How is everybody? ^-^
Generic Greeting Hey guys, thought i may as well start posting...its good to post. Anyways, good to be here everyone.
Hi there! Hiho everyone, Im Timo, 18 Years old, and live in Germany I found this site a few weeks ago and liked it from the beginning :P Hope i get along with u guys :D
sup, sorry im late hey wasup yea idk why im doing this so late but yea =] my names lavon i love anime and hentai :) i like to just chill and sit back act really stupid aka make ppl laugh alot =]...i…
Wassup? Hey whats up everybody?? Im Ace =]]] My friend Biglw17 showed mii this website n it seems pretty cool.. but so far i have no friends .. =[[[ ima Loner..
I'm kinda new? I'v been trolling for about a year now and just recently made a account. I'm a very obsessive person. Currently my main obsession is code geass. Also Hello to everyone!
aloha..... yowza there! :D tamia/24/female/hawaii here!!!!!! :D i love hentai stuffs and yaoi, and i noticed that fakku is one of the best at i join up! …
Hi from Slovakia Sending a greeting from Slovakia. I'm new here (so this is my really really first post). Still a student somewhere .... & interested in ... should I mention when I joined this forum :)