Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hi Hello all the ladies of Fakku... and all the men pretending to be ladies (you know who you are and I'd like to know you to! lol) As my name states I like things in Ridiculous amounts... e…
Hi all Hi all, Being lurking on this site for a while, and I decided that I may as well join :D
new person i guess First time ever on Fakku. I never thought a place like this existed. This site is wonderful. I like All hentai and have no real preferences. However i do like bondage a little more. Any one have any s…
Hello.Hej.Ni Hao.Bonjour.Nazdar Hello. I'm Laryn. I'm female :roll: So give me many welcomes. I love yuri,yaoi,and hentai. I hope to make some friends. And I have nothing else to say, so…
[ Poll ] Hello meet the guru! Hi whats up? well im new here and to tell the truth i was referred by a friend of mine to check this site out! and I think this is a very amazing site so I registered... By the way do you guys/girls f…
Heyyy wassup ppl. i'm new here and just wanted to say hi. hmm about myself. Likes: anime, day long texting, trail mix, music, hiking, cars, raves, coffee, and online games. D…
Ello. I have been taking in all the sights of this place for about six months, and finally decided to get a account. The only thing I can really warn yous all about is I am not the greatest speller. Other t…
Newcomer :P Hello all you fans of hentai, rack up another numebr to that list, as ive joined the club XD Is there anything specific that i need to know of now that im here on Fakku?
Subwaylolol Hai guyz. It culd hap…
I came, I saw, I conquered! Just kidding! Instead of writing "Hi, I'm new here", I thought it would be more refreshing using another subject. I just wanted to say hi. I've been an anime- and hentai-fan for several ye…
Hey ho Hello everyone, Finally decided to register after reading through the forum when I finally had some free time on my hands. As to know a bit about that random person somewhere in Germany stealing…
Oi People!!! Hi! I'm the newest member! This site is great so i thought it would be better if i can talk with u all. Oh, and thx for grait Hentais! Cya! Wolf666
Hey hey :D So yeah, I finally decided to actually post now ^^;; Hey everybody :D
whatsup fakku hi im new but i've been lurking for a month or so now yeh only found out about this site a month or so ago too ;_; so sad that i missed out on such a wonderful and sexually spectacular community…
Hey...I guess Well I've been to FAKKU many times to check on doujin updates, but I have never really checked out the forums section before. 6 months later and I finally decided to join this place. Figure mind as we…
Haro thar! Yoh! i've been a member for a few weeks but i haven't made time to make a post yet so here it is! :D nice to meet u all, so far this site has been pretty good to me…
[ Poll ] Why, hello ther. Free candy anyone? Hm, those awkward introductions of yourself. What to say? Well, for starters I'm female and turned 18 back in February. I've lurked around on this site more then a few times and took a look at t…
[ Locked ] Hello Everyone I Am New To This Site Hello Everyone Of Fakku! =P Anyways I am new to this site I just registered like 30 seconds ago right now just tryen to figure everything out and looking for friends to chat with I realy like an…
Hay Guize Hey everyone, names Mike, 18 from Northern Ireland. I'm also a bear who likes loli. Likes include anime, hentai, drinking, gaming and reading. Dislikes include Chris Hansen, ad…
Hello hi! im ziri, im from finland :) i've been anime/hentai/figurine otaku for about 10 years of my life(it took me a while to find place to buy manga or other stuff but anyways). i've be…
Monster Girl
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