Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


hello!!!!! :lol: hello all!!! i'm new in fakku!! nice to meet you all
met a mod got me to visit the forums :O ct con ftw :O gasp hallo hi to ppl n that mod i met red fakku shirt ? visit ct con 09 :wink: KENETIKON
Hey Everyone Hi everyone i've been visiting for a while and now finally decided to join up! I will try to contribute to the boards and meet new people well i'll be around :D
Hey, everybody! I've been visiting the site for a while, but just recently signed up on these here forums. I'll contribute to the boards as best I can, but if you don't see me a lot it's because I'm taking college co…
Hey! Hi, I'm the new guy. Nice being here.
hello Everyone i'm newbie in here :twisted: hello i'm new in here my i'm interested with shoujo ai or yuri manga :twisted:
Hey Hey names BTK69. I started a story and I hope to contribute a lot to the site.
Konnichiwa~! Konnichiwa minna-san~ Hajimemashite~! Boku o-namaewa Loli_Smith desu~ Juuhachi sai, Philippines ni sundeimasu... yoroshiku onegai shimasu~~ ^_^
yo ok iv been here for a while, but now I'm board so ill post here. you can call me espio. iv been coming here for over half a year.. i found this site by chance on Google and i love it. my interests are…
Deactivating Cloak Thumbnail
Deactivating Cloak Hello all, have been lurking here for quite awhile. I love everything about the site! The way the forum system is integrated with the content, so we can add favourite doujins to our profiles. The fron…
Hey there Fakku Well I am new here, but have been reading the manga from here for a while. Main reason I finaly joined the forums is I am looking for rp buddies. I have noticed that a lot of my friends have dwindled …
Just a new person Just a new person joining the community. Just thought i would say hi. If you want to know something just ask :)
Hmm Newfag Hey, newfag here. Well, not that I'm a fag or anything. Damn you 4chan! Anyways, I've been lurking for awhile here and decided that I leeched quite a bit, might as well join the forums.…
PWND Newbie Hi! I'm Becca! I'm new here. Uhh, I'm a newbie, I love hentai... Uhh, I love mo…
long time lurker, new member Fakku is crazy great and the people seem to be even more crazy! Soooo, whats going on fellows?
Heylo I already joined a couple of days ago but completly forgot to introduce me. Well like a lot of other people here also do, I like doujins,manga, anime and other related stuff. I am a great…
Heyloo! Hello everyone! I'm 18 and I'm going to college in Tucson, Arizona. Loved anime for a long time and my passion for hentai has been rekindled! I discovered this site about a week ago and decided I shou…
Heya. Joined Fakku a while ago, though all I've done is leech. Thought I should make an intro. Can't say I have any interests other than any other person on here, unless you count loving to sle…
Sup yall [size=13]So yeah, I'm new. [/h]
Hey there, just a question hey im new here my name is Ernesto, and i have just a question..... i hope i am in the right forum, well, i downloaded some things, and then i couldnt open the zip file..... i think it is because my c…
Monster Girl
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