Waar wrote...
we're all idiots.
Times up, its time to pay up.
You can't start shit with fakku.
You don't know who you messin with do you?
We got this sum bitch called Jacob,
He gets us all the fucking shit we need up.
Always giving us our fix.
So we can get to work with our dicks.
Then we got this mother fucker named Nikon.
N-I-K-O-N, not the fucking camera.
He's the one who always stays behind scenes.
Hell, most of the time, he's not even in front of the computer screen.
Who the fuck knows what this dude does.
But he provides good shit that gives us a real good buzz.
Am I missing anybody? FUcK nO, cEpT fOr RaZe.
He's like a modern day genghis kahn.
No he ain't conquering shit, but he gives us a purple haze.
He translates because he's Raze the great.
We don't need no fucking explanation, he just does shit.
I would keep going, but I gotta split.