How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 9,443
almost going on 4 years now. met jacob at anime expo 2008 or 09 and have been here since.
I remember it was when you guys were still doing Translated Naruto Doujinshi... >.>

Met Jacob at Metrocon last year.
I've been on and off. Made this account about 2-3 weeks ago? Anyways, I've been going to this site for about 2 years now and I don't regret it at all! Thanks, Fakku!
i love hentai enough said i just wish there was more bigger tit
I made this account today but I was a lurker for 3 years! You guys were awesome and are even more awesome now!
Never enough time. Even day one isn't enough. You must go back to the beginning of hentai and ecchi, such is your destiny....
i sarted going on fakku for about 9 months im 18 and i have a younger step sister shes 17 she love going on fakku, we both do its awesome
5+ years, and hilariously enough discovered this site through a custom game title in starcraft.
I've been going to this site for 2 years now, but I didn't think about getting a account until recently. I felt that this is too good of a site not to be apart of. Also I hope that there will be more hentai that this site will be around for a very long time. And that it gets more kemonomimi related hentai.
Just created my account now ^^' But I have been visiting since the summer before my senior year of high school, that makes it about 3 years and 7 months. So, I marked the four year button :D I was actually introduced to this site by my then best friend. So, it's kinda thanks to her that I've been able to visit this wonderful site for so long.
1 Year, and 'tis been a glorious year! >:3
Collectively, about 4 years.
As a member, less thank a year.
I think I've been lurking on Fakku for two years now. Just recently made an account to up vote comments I laughed at. :P
4 year over~ it long time :D
Made an account in April of two thousand and eight do to the fact that I wanted to post some comments here and there. I frequented the site for at least 6 months beforehand. Been lurking 99% of the time
1 year, i've heard fakku through all the public hentai mangas that has a fakku copywrite in it, since that i cant find anymore public and many mangas, i decided to visit fakku.
Ummm... Is there any veteran here? I really wish to know if Fakku used to be named something else? I remember being send to Fakku from the website after I can accessed it. (My country try to banned it)
I've been here for just a little over a year on a total fluke. But then, I totally started to like the site, so I continued coming back again and again. Thanks for making my H Manga world complete
Been here since 2008, but i created an account in 2011. xD
i created an account a short while ago, but Ive been lurking for almost 10 months now
Monster Girl
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