blind_assassin wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
This is dumb. The Y2K was dumb enough but 2012? Who in their right mind would really give such a crap deal about it. Nothing bad is going to happen. I apologize if I offend Christians or Catholics but Jesus cannot simply rise from the dead and lead a bunch of people to salvation. He's dead, plain and simple, and last I checked the dead cannot become alive again. If the world was going to end 9 years ago why didn't it? Why? Because it's bullshit. Nothing "apocalyptic" happened then and it won't happen 3 years from now.
How much of the doomsday theory is actually Christian? I guess I've never really looked into it beyond why the world is supposed to end and a few theories like "Planet X is going to hit earth/throw off the gravity/other bad things" or that the magnetic poles on the earth will reverse (which wouldn't destroy anything since the Earth and sun both do it at intervals [I want to say a few hundred million years but I might be wrong] and both still exist). There's definitely gotta be fringe groups that are Christian splinter cells but there's nothing from the Pope or any shit like that is there?
I don't think the catholic church officially buys into the whole 2012 thing, but they do believe that the world will end as described in Revelations. Which is what the pope would tell you, if you ever got the chance to talk to him and he didn't kill you via force lightning.