Droomy wrote...
NeoStriker wrote...
So, what my definition of Atheism would mean is that all Theists are the ones who came about and started making claims. They are the ones who have to come up with the evidence, and even when they do, we can still use logic to disprove them. So we’re not saying “God isn’t real”, we’re merely refuting your claims. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain any of this clear enough. Also, if you don’t refute/address even one of my points, I will take that as a concession to me being right.
In short: Atheism is the refusal to believe that a supernatural force or diety guides us through this universe based solely on the fact that no evidence has been shown to prove the existence of either.
I have already noted this as a possible and one of the most likely definitions within
this post.
Hmmm, not exactly, but it works.
GroverCleaveland: I am not going to stop using words to try to convince someone. Giving up would be the same thing as saying words and logic are ultimately useless. That goes against everything I believe.
Droomy: If you’re going to type up a bunch of paragraphs, you might as well go all the way. Sure, you have one citation, but for Kal’s brain, it’s apparently not enough. I don’t want to see any, “you’re not worth it”; I thought you called yourself a humanist. Now, onto Kal.
Kalistean: Maybe I should say something here that will possibly clarify my point of view more. We all start as Atheists. The origin point is: There are no deities. Therefore, saying “God doesn’t exist” isn’t really claiming anything, it’s stating the obvious. You are remaining at the origin point.
Fayek: Kalistean has his own definitions of words. Stop trying to prove he’s wrong, and prove which definition is right. Yes, I’m telling you to start going to dictionaries, which is what I’m about to do.
Chlor: Hey Chlor! Nice to see you again. I didn’t recognize you because you changed your avatar. Please change it back.