Mundo.MaddAddam wrote...
Well if you don't want to be raped then everyone should learn how to defend themselves against rape.
Or people could, oh I don't know, not rape anyone.
I am a feminist. Women and men should be held equal in most any aspects that the world (first world countries specifically as they push their modern ideals). The idea of feminism is not something I think about being wrong on, because its core is just equality. However, the idea that feminism had become to men/media is something I am completely against. It's a shame that many women fall and fail to explain what they want in the moment because they go to such extremes that they are ridiculed. It's a shame that feminists are viewed this way, but I feel that when we are working toward a goal that wants to be equal we have to stay level headed in any discussion due to the automatic assumption that women are dramatic emotion creatures. When women rampage their views of feminism I find that they are actually setting us back. Misaki said it right though, their are downs to every activist group.
If you question the actions of the extremists of the feminist group then I will not be frustrated, however varying on other topics such as - rape or health care then I will get mad at you questioning me due to me believing my view is morally right. I wouldn't just end a friendship over something so little as not agreeing with me, varying opinions is great, it only becomes an issue when that is the only topic you bring up and argue with.