Reaperzwei wrote...
Ok I'll rephrase: continuing to restrain ones freedom. As for the stink part well if it was a joke ok but I didn't see anything else besides that as to why you think pot should remain illegal.
What reasons why should it be legal though? If it is medical then that is fine people who actually need it should use it and it is already like that unless I am mistaken. What reason would it be to have it legal for recreational purposes? I really don't see what the point would be if you really cannot smoke it in public like a cigarette.
Well that's another reason why if its legalized it shouldn't be taxed specifically like cigarettes are. Also not sure that would actually happen basically your saying that pot right now is cheaper than what a store could sell it for if legal. I somehow doubt that even if it was taxed simply because of the way in which both parties would get their supply and the fact that the corner drug dealer would still be doing something illegal. If it was legalized their would no doubt be a license involved in selling it with, which the corner drug dealer would not have, not to mention they wouldn't be collecting taxes.
We could compare such a hypothetical scenario to whats happening with cigarettes right now. Taxes in a few states if not a lot of states have gone way up over the past like ten years. Is there a black market for cigarettes? I honestly don't know the answer to that but I think whatever the answer is, it would be an interesting comparison. Really don't think states would tax it high to begin with anyway. They might and probably would over time but I don't think they would do that right away.
If you don't tax it then a business would raise their prices to pay that extra taxes on them which would defeat the purpose. Basically the business would pay taxes based on income and if part of that income is already gained cause of taxes it is less of a hit on them. So not taxing it wouldn't work.
Curious what are these problems and if legalizing it isn't the answer what is?
The only way to stop all those problems would be get rid of marijuana completely, but since that isn't possible there is no clear cut way of solving all the problems.
The main point is I don't see what the point of legalizing it? You can say for medical reasons, but people who need it for medical can get it with a doctor's prescription. I think I am most against it cause the group I see do it are the same people complaining about not having money. So it isn't really a needed object, like cigarettes, so I guess it just annoys me in that sense.