SuperJFK wrote...
My point of view is that recreational drug usage is bad. Not necessarily bad for you, it's just something that if more people don't take part in it, the better. That being said, making pot legal would introduce easy, recreational drug usage to the country. It would encourage it's use, kind-of like saying "please become users because it's okay now".
Let's take an exemple to demonstrate that it is not true . Maybe it's not like that in the US or wherever you live but here in canada cigarettes are completly anti-publicised . At the tv there is constantly publicities telling us how much cigarettes are bad for health , they give phone numbers to call if you want to stop amoking. Same on the packs and let's not forget the images they put on it to disguss people from smoking .
(this is the least disgusting)
I don't think the message would really be "please become users because it's okay now" , it would be more like : "Well it's legal now but you should know that smoking weed is bad".
SuperJFK wrote...
That's to not to say that alcohol isn't also bad, which it is. But if I may reiterate: Because cannabis can be a very mild drug it would easier to do all the time. Easier than alcohol. My view is that if every man were responsible enough not to abuse it (and ideally to not use drugs and alcohol at all) then we wouldn't need laws to prohibit marijuana. Unfortunately, the fact is that because it's so damn popular and easy to use, and that it
IS a psychoactive drug, let's not forget, that we're just not ready to legalize pot. Other than that, my argument stands.
I like how you take most humans for retarded people that can't think by themself , i do that sometimes too , then i get out of my room and speak with real people .
I'm sorry , but more seriously , there won't be a significant raise in the consumation of marijuana if we legalise it , you know why ? Because prohibition never works . People that want to abuse weed already abuses it .
Like the guy before , i think that every man should be free to do whatever they want with their body . It is not the governement resposability to say what you can or can't do with your only real property , your body . But i know that there is a little minority of the people that can't think for themself , that's why i think it's important that if it's legalised that we also promote awareness abouth it .