lordisgaea4 wrote...
Mash Karas wrote...
Platnumin wrote...
I've never smoked weed nor any other cigarettes in my life, but I'm for legalizing it. As far as I can see, even alcohol can be much more dangerous than marijuana. Although, I'm against the whole smoking thing anyway, so it's a tough decision. I'd rather see people enjoy themselves when they smoke though rather than smoking because they have to due to addiction.
Throughout my experiences, I've rarely met a smoker that wants to carry on smoking. Most just don't have the balls / will power to stop. That's my personal experiences though, it probably differs.
Now that is a legitimate point, that (while I don't agree with) do see as much better than "hurr hurr hurr teh hemp iz s0 kewl ai iz hai rite now lulz" that has been being posted thus far.
Please , we are in serious discussion , your 3 last post as been more than useless (if you have nothing to say , say nothing -sd rules-) and don't say [censored] abouth what have been posted so far when you didn't even read it .
I'm going to have to request that you
not undermind my post for no legitimate reason.
I'm going to have to also ask that you try not to make assumptions about whether or not I've read the thread.
Now that that's squared away, let me explain something:
If I criticise something, I represent that which is being criticised as an illiterate leetspeak user
(not that leetspeak users are automatically illiterate.)
This topic is not politically correct in the first place, so don't get all snappy with me when I present my personal opinion.