If anybody's interested in a non-christian religious view:
From a buddhist's point of view in terms of karma and reincarnation, suicide is the equivalent of basically hard rebooting your computer and burning out your hard drive when you turn the power back on.
Basically through the countless cycles of life and death one...being i guess would be the best term i can think of at the moment, goes through, after their nth cycle they've reached the level of a human being
(which of course can be debated on the issue of humans being near the "highest" level but I'll leave that for another thread to discuss).
Anyways, back to topic, basically you screw your karma and reincarnation cycle
hard and you go back to the bottom of the totem pole.
I don't know if that's helps or not, but personally if the only thing that's gonna result in killing myself is I have to start the whole damn process over again, I might as well live through my life and try to improve what I have now and hopefully the next time around, things will be better. Or who knows, maybe things will be awesome by the time I'm close to the end. :P
earlshaggwell wrote...
Vio wrote...
For one thing, the greatest human fear is death. Humans would do anything to survive. It's programmed into us. (Of course, there are exceptions). How is meeting death head-on cowardly?
this made me think of animals, as all animals are driven by instincts to survive. then i thought of whales beaching them selves. that is suicide. whales are suposed to be very inteligent. are they self aware enough to become suicidaly depressed, or is it more like they sense they are near death from diseasse or old age? i've seen a couple of my dogs act oddly just before they died of old age. as though the suddenly just
knew they were about to die.
However, there's a slight nuance there earl, which I think is important. When a whale beaches itself, they are laying rest before their final moments (at least this is how i take it as) and as for your dogs they probably felt the same way too. Now, if we take that same whale and instead of beaching itself, swims headlong into the rotor blades of a tanker or swims straight to a whaling ship or if your pet dogs ran straight into heavy traffic, there's a difference right?
Basically, the way I see it, the whale and your dogs were waiting for death to come to them, not the other way around :P