Will you ever marry a robot...

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Will you marry a robot?

Total Votes : 96
If they're anything like Chobits, sure.
oh i'll marry anything as long as it cooks and cleans. Seriously,if they train a monkey to do all that i'ma marry that monkey.
if in the future they have a robot that is almost entirely human, then maybe

Persacon from Chobits anyone?
lollollol12 wrote...

I lol'd xD
Really... A robot is designed by humans. How can you love something we made? I'm sure they could give it all the emotion in the world but a perfect relationship isn't always fun. Conflict and staying true through conflict strengthen a bond. I can't ever see myself being seriously involved with a robot.

Not only does it seem pathetic but I could never be... true? to her. I mean shes a fucking robot xD She isn't human. I'd have to adopt and everything. Really robots, great for fucking one day but not for marriage.
Harmonian wrote...
Really... A robot is designed by humans. How can you love something we made? I'm sure they could give it all the emotion in the world but a perfect relationship isn't always fun. Conflict and staying true through conflict strengthen a bond. I can't ever see myself being seriously involved with a robot.

Not only does it seem pathetic but I could never be... true? to her. I mean shes a fucking robot xD She isn't human. I'd have to adopt and everything. Really robots, great for fucking one day but not for marriage.

lets just say people are just that willing and that crazy to try and make a robot, 'sides in any case japan's already started off good, they might get more advanced from there, so hey, we can dream right?
if our technology can rise up so fast before i die until until the point where there will be a marry-able robot with human biological part but programmed mind i would say...

yes, i MIGHT marry a robot
[size=10]I find that marrying a "robot" would be odd.
I mean, I'd rather have sexual relations to one then to marry one.
Unless its like Appleseed. Plus, on a girl's perspective, it would end up like Chobits for us. D; So, my answer is no, somewhat. [/h]
Well.. It depends on if the robot could have her own personality and the ability to love... I think I'd stick with humans just to be sure...
Love is all I need really though.
I'm not sure. It depends if the robot has a free will or not. If it loves me because it is programed to then I wouldn't marry it.
This will be very interesting! Imagine raping one!
It depends on the level of understanding the robot has for the human condition.
Experiment and play around with, yes. Marry and indulge in fantasy love, no.
I will marry a robot when I can look at a female robot and not immediately say "that is a robot". All the fem-bots nowadays have a real soulless, lifeless look to them that really creeps me out. If I were to marry a robot I wouldn't want to be concious that it is a robot 24/7. It would have to be convincing as a human being which none of them are today.

That being said I have a real good feeling that if someone ever does marry a robot (don't know if someone has and haven't read this entire thread) that almost immediately there would an "anti robot marriage" group claiming that it is against nature and or god's will. That would immediately make me second guess doing it unless some action would be taken against such groups. By that I mean a strict punishment being imposed on an individual that harms and or harasses someone that is married to a robot.

Also I am wondering if the female robot would be considered human in every way. For instance when you marry the robot would it count as a normal marriage? Would you pay less income tax because you are married? Does it matter if the female you married wasn't necessarily human? There are many, many more topics and subjects that would have to be addressed but I am not going into detail on all of them. At least not right now or until someone brings another one up.
if its something like this
Forum Image: http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2443/chobits5iqto0.gif
than hell yes i would. Chobits has changed my entire view of human/computer relationship....if only my macbook was a little more woman shaped
Robots can't understand emotion and can only do what they are programmed to do, so I would stick with a human. Robots can never replace humans or replicate human emotion beyond their harddrive.
HimeTakamura wrote...
Robots can't understand emotion and can only do what they are programmed to do, so I would stick with a human. Robots can never replace humans or replicate human emotion beyond their harddrive.

This is gonna bring in some deep consciousness discussion...I mean, even for humans, hard to swallow that our emotion is anything beyond the neural networks in our brain...So given a complex enough hardware to process all the necessary data, how are you gonna discern between pre-programmed emotion and "real' ones?

And yeah I'm among those who believe our consciousness is nothing more than a product of all those interactions in our brain.

So yeah if I have a robot that looks like a human, and is capable of mental functions human are capable of, damn right I'll marry her!
mibuchiha wrote...
HimeTakamura wrote...
Robots can't understand emotion and can only do what they are programmed to do, so I would stick with a human. Robots can never replace humans or replicate human emotion beyond their harddrive.

This is gonna bring in some deep consciousness discussion...I mean, even for humans, hard to swallow that our emotion is anything beyond the neural networks in our brain...So given a complex enough hardware to process all the necessary data, how are you gonna discern between pre-programmed emotion and "real' ones?

And yeah I'm among those who believe our consciousness is nothing more than a product of all those interactions in our brain.

So yeah if I have a robot that looks like a human, and is capable of mental functions human are capable of, damn right I'll marry her!

That's what I was thinking. I think there are far fewer differences between man and machine that people seem to realize at first glance. We are nothing more than very advanced machines ourselves, who's to say we won't eventually reach a technological breakthrough where we are able to create machines who are as diverse and as sentient as we are?
Tsurayu wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
HimeTakamura wrote...
Robots can't understand emotion and can only do what they are programmed to do, so I would stick with a human. Robots can never replace humans or replicate human emotion beyond their harddrive.

This is gonna bring in some deep consciousness discussion...I mean, even for humans, hard to swallow that our emotion is anything beyond the neural networks in our brain...So given a complex enough hardware to process all the necessary data, how are you gonna discern between pre-programmed emotion and "real' ones?

And yeah I'm among those who believe our consciousness is nothing more than a product of all those interactions in our brain.

So yeah if I have a robot that looks like a human, and is capable of mental functions human are capable of, damn right I'll marry her!

That's what I was thinking. I think there are far fewer differences between man and machine that people seem to realize at first glance. We are nothing more than very advanced machines ourselves, who's to say we won't eventually reach a technological breakthrough where we are able to create machines who are as diverse and as sentient as we are?

Yes, but a machine is not a living being and cannot replace one. They make look alive, act alive, sound alive, feel alive; they're aren't alive. they're simply computers in fancy coating.
HimeTakamura wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
HimeTakamura wrote...
Robots can't understand emotion and can only do what they are programmed to do, so I would stick with a human. Robots can never replace humans or replicate human emotion beyond their harddrive.

This is gonna bring in some deep consciousness discussion...I mean, even for humans, hard to swallow that our emotion is anything beyond the neural networks in our brain...So given a complex enough hardware to process all the necessary data, how are you gonna discern between pre-programmed emotion and "real' ones?

And yeah I'm among those who believe our consciousness is nothing more than a product of all those interactions in our brain.

So yeah if I have a robot that looks like a human, and is capable of mental functions human are capable of, damn right I'll marry her!

That's what I was thinking. I think there are far fewer differences between man and machine that people seem to realize at first glance. We are nothing more than very advanced machines ourselves, who's to say we won't eventually reach a technological breakthrough where we are able to create machines who are as diverse and as sentient as we are?

Yes, but a machine is not a living being and cannot replace one. They make look alive, act alive, sound alive, feel alive; they're aren't alive. they're simply computers in fancy coating.

So are we?

Why can't we eventually replicate living tissue. There is really very little difference between our nervous system and a neural net similar to circuitry. I think a day could come where you couldn't tell the difference. XD
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