Will you ever marry a robot...

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Will you marry a robot?

Total Votes : 96
Rayne wrote...
Well. Why be with a human if you could be with a robot? A robot won't be able to leave you / cheat on you / etc. Everyone would just want to marry a robot and the human race would be fucked.

Assuming that everyone could afford a robot, perhaps. Not to mention how moralists and politicians would be swift to condemn and eventually ban sex with robots, you can be sure of that.
Even if that (everyone just marrying a robot and the human race being fuked) were to be the case, I don't see what's so disastrous about it.
To me that's the same kind of hare-brained (sorry) argumentation that predicts the end of humanity because men and women have learned how to masturbate without feeling guilt ("people will stop dating and we die out D:").
gibbous wrote...
Rayne wrote...
I don't want humans mixing in with robots in that way, that just screams disaster.

Say what?

Have we discussed the preferences for androids or cyborgs? I mean, androids are one thing, but a cyborg is still legitimately human, which would be totally fine in my book. Androids though raise a question of ethics/sanity.

Well, sanity more than ethics if you ask me, but I tend to agree. Once the machine in question reaches human levels of self-awareness and emotional sentience, a relationship with it sound feasible enough.
Before that, not really. Not that I mind anyone fucking a robot, it's just another sex-toy, but forming a relationship with one? Hrmmmm...

Machines with huamn levels of intelligence would be a blurry line between an AI created mind in a robot and say a human mind put into a robot alla Ghost In The Shell. both would have indivual thoughts, emotions, and the such the only real diffenece is where the mind came from a pre-existing human or a lab.
gibbous wrote...
Rayne wrote...
Well. Why be with a human if you could be with a robot? A robot won't be able to leave you / cheat on you / etc. Everyone would just want to marry a robot and the human race would be fucked.

Assuming that everyone could afford a robot, perhaps. Not to mention how moralists and politicians would be swift to condemn and eventually ban sex with robots, you can be sure of that.
Even if that (everyone just marrying a robot and the human race being fuked) were to be the case, I don't see what's so disastrous about it.
To me that's the same kind of hare-brained (sorry) argumentation that predicts the end of humanity because men and women have learned how to masturbate without feeling guilt ("people will stop dating and we die out D:").

Good luck with enforcing that one. XD
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
more than likely not unless the developed an AI similar to human emotions or the body is used to preserve the heart and brain of the one I love or something along those lines
I think it'd be kinda cool to marry a robot. Think about it, you'd never have to buy a security system, your house would always be clean, 5 star food, awesome non-stop mind-blowing sex what else does any man want? Of course it'd have to be really advance robot.
IEAIAIO wrote...
I think it'd be kinda cool to marry a robot. Think about it, you'd never have to buy a security system, your house would always be clean, 5 star food, awesome non-stop mind-blowing sex what else does any man want? Of course it'd have to be really advance robot.

Ah, have we thought about the moral ramnifications? Should the AI of a robot be used to supplant the human brain? Should we let robots take their place as the rightful onwers of the Earth? Are robots better companions than humans? These are the main issues I believe when it comes towards androids.
g-money wrote...
IEAIAIO wrote...
I think it'd be kinda cool to marry a robot. Think about it, you'd never have to buy a security system, your house would always be clean, 5 star food, awesome non-stop mind-blowing sex what else does any man want? Of course it'd have to be really advance robot.

Ah, have we thought about the moral ramnifications? Should the AI of a robot be used to supplant the human brain? Should we let robots take their place as the rightful onwers of the Earth? Are robots better companions than humans? These are the main issues I believe when it comes towards androids.

You make it sound like it'll be our next moral dilemma after the issue of same-sex marriage. XD
Tsurayu wrote...
You make it sound like it'll be our next moral dilemma after the issue of same-sex marriage. XD

Well, I was just pointing out the possible moral dilemmas in IEAIAIO's post. While I don't agree with same-sex marriage, it maybe immoral in my eyes but it isn't wrong.
Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of "android who has sentientence but was not specificly made just to marry". You know something like ever 17's Sora (sure
but still AI) someone who is able to fall in love instead of having it programmed in.

Now if we go the other way, I'd be alright with AI programmed sex dolls. The way I see it they'd be a logical step up from hentai in that you could do whatever you wanted to them and it'd be ok cuz there not "human". Sounds kinda harsh but that's just the way I see things.
i really hate to sort of profile on robots, or say bad things about them, but i mean its a robot. its not real. its an object. its like marrying a lamp. or marrying a PS3. but then again i would probably want to marry my PS3 when i get one XD

so for me i would say no. but if robots become a natural part of life, to the point where they are being taught things in schools with human children, then sure.
Only if the androids were like the ones in Eve no Jikan. Otherwise no.
If the Robots were advanced enough to be taught like in schools or something advanced like that otherwise "No". I have my reasoning...
No, I'll never marry a robot. It isn't because I'll die before that kind of technology exists its just I'd live the rest of my life ashamed of myself since the only women I could tie down was one that was programmed to do so.
braintist wrote...
When the day comes when robots behave exactly like humans and look even more beautiful then humans, will you choose a robot instead for a human..?

If they can love and have sex like a girl than yes.
I suppose yes; but really its the emotional depth and intellect behind the artifical person that would intrigue me. I mean, I'd be way open to sexual pursuits, but when I get older.... would it be fair to someone who is human in all but form to have to watch me die while they live on?

.... ara ara, sometimes you never know.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I'm pretty confident that if I married a female robot, the PC term being Fembot, would somehow manage to get everything I own in the inevitable divorce.
tsujoi wrote...
I'm pretty confident that if I married a female robot, the PC term being Fembot, would somehow manage to get everything I own in the inevitable divorce.

First divorce case of a robot, eh? At least you'd be famous.
I'd totally use a walking talking tenga. But like many have said, I wouldn't marry it. Especially since I don't think it'll ever be possilbe for robots to emulate human emotion no matter how far along technology advances.
Everytime I see this thread I remember Saber Marionette J.
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