Will you ever marry a robot...

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Will you marry a robot?

Total Votes : 96
I think i would, i mean if the robot looks like a human and i fall for her hell yeah u know why not? hahaha [align=justify]
theotaku wrote...
If persocoms ever existed, then fuck yeah!

this. or maid robots like silfa-chan would be great too.

well, to be serious, i'll probably will, if we reached a stage where the AI technology is great enough to allow for the robots to have complex mental functions as humans, and also having bodies is also human-like enough. just like in the manga chobits, but with more advanced AI. but well, if we ever reach such times, i think mankind will in a pinch. cuz the guys will pick persocoms, since persocoms don't bitch, and girls too, since persocoms can hardly be an asshole. i think in such time, being pregnant will be something to get paid for, because sometimes they will just want to raise a kid...
hmm not sure i probably won't live long enough to see it happen but i slightly side on the yes side only if the robot were very human like and possess human quality and traits.
If said robot looked like Kos-mos from xenosaga, then my answer would be YES

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/23341-A8FRB1B.jpg
once machines start thinking for themselfs and in that way go beyond there initial programming, even if that programming intended them to do as such then maybe.

anime girl? hai.

real life robot anime girl? iie.

anime robot anime girl? ...maybe. i dont know the japanese romaji for maybe.

i foresee a huge chain of events that leads to a paradox due to robots eventually attaining synthetic will. there will be huge controversy that you cant truly receive consensual agreement from a robot because they arent self aware, activists will stand up for robot rights and after its all blown out of proportion people will look down on anyone romantically involved with a robot. that or i think i watch to much tv.
That's a bit like asking whether you'd marry your vibe or your blow-up doll, seeing how these things are basically a vibe with legs, or glorified animated sex-dolls.

So, the answer is no.
This reminds me of the Matrix all over again, especially the Animatrix.

I probably wouldn't, but I'm not even sure on that point.
atilla battle angel and yes

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/23498-P00BN0V.jpg
Marry a robot? No, I dont think so.

Just imagine how messed up it would be if she left you at the altar or even said NO. F*ck that shit!!!

Also what if her skin was like Datas from Star Trek, I dont like the thought of mould green coloured skin.

It all seems a little shady to me... They'd even have TV programmes like Pimp My Android. (Probably)

A robot is basically a meat slave so theres absolutely no point in getting married at all. The only purpose it would serve is to make you feel that the bullshit "Relationship" youve got yourself in is more "Valid/Acceptable" and that the "Love" you feel towards it isnt gross and creepy. (Which it would be)

Would fucking a Cyborg with an actual Human brain in be more acceptable? How much % of components till somethings considered a Robot? You could have a regular Human girl with say 51% Cybernetic components, Is that Robot enough?

This topics giving me a headache! :S
Never say never I suppose. I can't say I wouldn't think about it once androids became more realistic. :P
Tsurayu wrote...
Never say never I suppose. I can't say I wouldn't think about it once androids became more realistic. :P

like kos-mos? :D

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/23875-B0IRQ2X.jpg
That will work. XD
Of course. If I won't have a girlfriend when they become popular then ..why not? :)
Have we discussed the preferences for androids or cyborgs? I mean, androids are one thing, but a cyborg is still legitimately human, which would be totally fine in my book. Androids though raise a question of ethics/sanity.
As much as I love my computer.. No, I will never marry it.
I don't want humans mixing in with robots in that way, that just screams disaster.
Rayne wrote...
I don't want humans mixing in with robots in that way, that just screams disaster.

Say what?

Have we discussed the preferences for androids or cyborgs? I mean, androids are one thing, but a cyborg is still legitimately human, which would be totally fine in my book. Androids though raise a question of ethics/sanity.

Well, sanity more than ethics if you ask me, but I tend to agree. Once the machine in question reaches human levels of self-awareness and emotional sentience, a relationship with it sound feasible enough.
Before that, not really. Not that I mind anyone fucking a robot, it's just another sex-toy, but forming a relationship with one? Hrmmmm...
Well. Why be with a human if you could be with a robot? A robot won't be able to leave you / cheat on you / etc. Everyone would just want to marry a robot and the human race would be fucked.
I would if they were like in the one episode of futurama where you can make them be whoever you want
Kaimax Best Master-San
If they make'em like this

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/23171-7X9O3KG.png

I'll definitely marry one. lol
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