HimeTakamura wrote...
[color=orchid]Yes, but a machine is not a living being and cannot replace one. They make look alive, act alive, sound alive, feel alive; they're aren't alive. they're simply computers in fancy coating. [/color]
To me, look act sound feel alive would be enough reason to take something as alive...I mean, is there anything else, any criteria that only humans possess that makes humans alive, while any other sufficiently complex machines don't. I don't think there's such criteria...and so, that's why I would accept any sufficiently complex machine as "human" enough. Because we too, are such machines.
This is just like trying to prove the statement "Humans other than I exist, and alive". In the end as long as you think look act sound feel alive is not enough proof to believe them to be alive, then you'll never find any proof for that. Heck, with that kinda thinking, even trying to prove the existence of our own selves will boil down to the cogito ergo sum crap...which is at best trivial.
Of course you can't say humans are alive just because you think they're humans, and machines don't because they're...machines. That's breaking the whole relevancy of finding proof of something is alive.