Well, a few of my insecurities:
Acne. Holy fuck do I have battles with acne all the time. And it's always one-sided. I have it on my arms, chest, back, neck, scalp, hell even my ass has some acne (though it's hidden beneath all my asshair, so that's good??)
Isolation. I have a tendency to ignore all my friends, say no to hanging out with them (despite being a major pushover), and then I proceed to hangout in my room doing fuckall else. It really sucks cause it definitely takes its toll on your social life, and the 5 people I talk to frequently has dwindled down to 2.
Being a pushover. Holy shit can I not say "no" in most circumstances. I ate a fucking leaf once because of it. Two, actually. Trust me, if I had to choose between eating a browned dead leaf, and a lively green leaf, I'd take the dead leaf any day. Chlorophyll tastes nasty. Avoid at any opportunity. I assume part of my being a pushover is due to the lack of fucks I give on a lot of things, but when it comes to things I don't want to do... It's pretty fucking hard to say no. Especially when bullshit drama is involved.
And my overall uselessness. Whenever a friend is going through some serious shit, I can't give them amazing advice and help them get their shit together. At most, I start to freak out with them because my inability to help sends me into panic-mode (not panic attacks) and I go into a mental frenzy trying to figure out what to do. Which leads me to either do absolutely nothing, or do something extremely stupid and make things worse.
Due to my pretty stupid insecurities, one thing always scared me shitless. I have a lot of friends in the LGBT community and at my old highschool, there was the Gay-Straight alliance club that I went to with them. And it was fun and everything, but we usually played like group games and whatnot. Which was fine. But then we had this thing called "group talk" which would involve everyone going around answering a question, which would be something like "what's your favorite anime character and why?" or "what's the most random thing you ever did?". Some questions were actually pretty loaded, and made for some pretty depressing and morbid group talks. One question though, was "what is one thing you like about yourseld?" and for the life of me I could not give a sincere answer. Out of all the bullshit I could say, like my eyes or hair or some other trivial shit, I opted to go with an asnwer along the lines of "my asshair"...
So yeah, apparently the one thing I like about myself is the jungle that grows on my ass. Pretty sure everyone knew I was bullshitting too. Could see the realization on their faces that I was a tool. After that, I really didn't like group talk so I stopped going. Lost a few friends that way too cause I only ever saw them at GSA.