Watashi no Doku wrote...
My hair. All of it. I tried growing it out once but it gets so curly that it just looks like hell. I can't grow facial hair, aside from a very light stubble, which sucks because I'm kinda baby-faced and look 16 as opposed to almost 20. Facial hair would at least add a year or two to it. My upper body has almost no hair while my legs are a freakin' jungle. I just have very selective genes, I guess...
As for my behavioral insecurities, I don't do well in social situations. I'm quiet, lacking in confidence, I overthink things and second-guess myself. I have an incessant sense of humor, probably since it's the only way I ever get any attention. I talk too fast and too quiet, trip over my words, and have difficulty expressing my thoughts (luckily this mostly isn't true in my writing). All of these behaviors are amplified to the nth degree whenever there is a girl involved.
I'm simultaneously smart and stupid, patient and impatient, funny and dull, idealistic and cynical, creative and formulaic, happy and sad, carefree and careful, and above all I am my own worst enemy.
On the bright side, I have pretty nice skin. And I can be genuinely funny at times. I'm good at video games--that's a skill, right? I have a really keen memory for things (except names). And all my time spent alone has helped me to better empathize with people and their life struggles. But aside from that, 0/10, would not play, no FOV slider, no control binding, not Waifu material, just terrible.
Wow, reading this was kinda weird. Are you my long lost little brother or something? What you're describing here is pretty much they way I was almost to a T when I was your age.