Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Adrenalinlin Thumbnail
Adrenalinlin Well I'm back, and I figured I'd open with something silly The title is Adrenalin and it's a magical girl hentai …
Tall 'n Short Best Voice Acting ever, man i love egoraptor
Still Remember Me? Hey, everyone! I'm back~ Still remember me?
Final Fantasy XI - Refresh Machine(English Hentai Doujin) Final Fantasy XI - Refresh Machine…
How to make someone sound significantly less Important Imagine ______ taking a shit ex. Imagine Jesus Take a shit, I bet he struggles "HRRGGGGGGGGGGG"
Doujinshi DB!?!? I was wondering if this was already posted.(sorry if it is) Do… seriously is this some kind of japanese pinochi or what...
He is My Master Doujins (parts 2 and 3) Here are parts 2 and 3 of this doujin *Note: these are not translated [color=darkred][I don't know the titles, so if anybody speaks Japanese fee…
Final Fantasy X - FF Breeze R25 Vol 4(English Doujin) Final Fantasy X - FF Breeze R25 Vo…
Hentai Stream Hey guyz, i just wanted to share a stream website i just found, as i know it is really hard to find one where videos arent removed or the links are broken. but i first need to know if im allowed to pr…
LOL... look at my banner.... Thumbnail
LOL... look at my banner.... LOLOLOLOLOL why is this? and when is the real down time of fakku??
Finally I can go to fakku AGAIN I'm Back Its been months since I last log in here Jacob do a massive makeover i see
[ Locked ] what manga do u read guys???ple reply me^^ what manga do u read guys???ple reply me^^
Zelda 2nd Quest is Bullshit I'm posting this here because I don't think it's good enough to be in Video Games. Last week, I dug out an old NES and hooked it up to the TV in the living room. A friend of mine who visit…
Guess who`s back..... Wow everythings so different and scary. I mean i knew Jacob was revamping the site but damn, im gone for months, and i hardly recognize the place!
DESU: Hi! Wha....? Weeaboos, I'm calling you out....