Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Prophetic vision To begin with the sound of a bell from a noble temple, but it won't work on a leech's deaf ears after the arabian nights end every time he stands up he is beaten the golden fox cries only once…
San Fransisco Has really changed since the last time I was here.
What is your opinion on waffles? Do you like waffles?
I feel so disconnected I miss you guys... Having a real life is taking away from having a virtual life. [size=29][b];-;
Fuck Saying "Fuck Waar" Why should we, at all, say, "Fuck Waar?" I personally find it ridiculous because it honestly isn't funny or entertaining. Anyways...
Back. Thumbnail
AMV's. We need them. Everybody send links to your favorite amv's. Here's a good one. I think we can all agree to keep up this trend.
1 year anniversary Just here to say that op is a faggot, yes, that means me, and that I've been here for over a year. no one cares, yada yada boom. rambling on... goodnight.
randomness Would you like to eat my cherry pie? ;P YES for yes, NO for no, FO for fuck off, FM for fuck me.
Thread Thread Thumbnail
Thread Thread This thread is about thread and thread related things.
To begin with a rabbit jumps behind the moon what is it that the black rabbit sees on the horizon with his big red eyes, a fish on the land has trouble when he's stepped on by cows. The playful palace where the butterfly dances…
Shindo L's (Da Hootch) Real Picture Rough translation: Because somebody uploaded a fake picture …
Commercials... Is this the only reason I watch TV?
Ib has influence on your perspective? Pretty much a question I asked myself at some point. On one hand, there's a sharp and open mindset being produced by the individuals visiting ib. On the other, I…
[ Locked ] The next MOD Alright I guess there's a big hub bub about who the next moderator will be. I want to start this thread for the candidates to debate the important topics, I will be your moderator. I will direct quest…
Renovartio for Mod Thumbnail
Renovartio for Mod It'll piss Kona off
Dr. Pepper The chosen drink; its flavor is divine. Open the bottle and raise it to your lips. Pour the liquid in your mouth and swallow. It runs over your taste buds; euphoria. May the ch…