Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Might be time for the settling into my raid shelter. TFP time. nyaa is down for a second day. Baka was off for a while couple days ago. Another private site has DDoS right now knocking the tracker off. TinFold People
Website is offline How many more months?
Is anyone still alive What am i doing on this website its been years i dont even
Comic X-EROS May Lose Gujira Gujira after receiving notice that 25000 copies of his newest manga have been pirated. He lost the will to draw and may quit entirely Current Fakku Releases …
Just stopping by To remind you how awesome Tharja is …
Oh god, wry Let me give you some background; I've been living with my family for some time (I’m 26), but not because I cant afford to move out. not because i attended a college close to home, but because of
Why couldn't I have been an anime character Then maybe I would have a busty older woman or a cute little sister help me sleep, instead of a Guatemalan man twice my size. video not related in any way at all …
This user does not have anything in their favorites. Favorites This user has over 100 items in their favorites. This user does not have anything in their favorites. Rip in pieces you will be missed.
The Monogatari Series Club (Bakemonogatari, etc etc) Thumbnail
The Monogatari Series Club (Bakemonogatari, etc etc) Everyone can "join" even cats. [size=10]People will probably get mad because i didn't have an image of their favourite character. [/h] …
Clever ways to hide your porn files. Duct tape under the toilet tank lid The lego block flash in a lego model Inside the bible In a old ipod because let's face it, the ipod is shite Under the dog bowl…
Selling my virginity i dont want to be a wizard anymore
I'm probably imagining things... But is one of the animators that worked on the animation team for the Madoka series also secretly a hentai artist? I know it could very…
Can you help a nice young lady to find some good hentai? Hi there, I need some help finding some good hentai, I haven't found one that I trully find hot in a while, my tastes are: Ahegao(A LOT), …
Guess That Character Game! Guess That Character! Introducing a new Game where users can try their best to guess the Character! Small hint…