Although I am very late due to some constraints in real-life, here are some of my responses.
Room101 wrote...
Oh yes, I get those purchases all the time. I just feel a compulsion that I must "reward" myself every time something negative is happening.
Last time around, I ended up buying 3 mangas and a comic book, and I just wanted to keep buying it... ._.
I encounter the same problem all the time. Not necessarily when I am feeling down, but I just feel I have to add a particular manga volume, anime magazine, to my collection.
artcellrox wrote...
Pedo-bear, if you could do that for me, it's bear bro-hugs everyday! I promise! :D
I nearly forgot to help you keep an eye out for this particular title.
Darth Zero wrote...
My latest guilty purchase I guess was buying my katana. I went to a Sci-Fi con and as soon as I saw the katanas I had to buy one. I HAD TO!
There are some local stores selling these katanas, axes, shields, etc. After visiting their showroom, I can’t help but feel that are very well-made, but at the same time, costly too.
BLZebub51 wrote...
Clothing articles. I can never resist those.
Latest purchase was a pair of shoes, which I'll probably wear only once or twice. Still regretting that decision.
Thankfully, I am not a very fashionable person. Then again, perhaps I should change this negative trait of mine, to make myself look more attractive?
Melfice_1 wrote...
some games I have bought.
Especially now, since I rarely find time to play -.-
Talking about games, I am having difficulty deciding whether to purchase more Nintendo 3DS games. Examples include Pokemon Scramble, Mario in 3D Land, Mario Kart, Harvest Moon... the list goes on. ^_^;;
Circe wrote...
I just have the bad habit of...thinking of a huge bunch of stuff I want and buying it all without a hesitation, even if I really should be saving money for other things. Sometimes it's shoes, sometimes it's clothes. Today it was books...
Oh materialism...v////v;
Although, I will say I have found success in holding off on things I really want. Sometimes, if I know it's too expensive, I will wait to buy it with the reasoning that, if I'm really meant to have it, it will still be there for me when it's on sale. It's kept me from some big mistake purchases ^^;
There are pros and cons to impulse shopping, I suppose. If one does not purchase an item now, it may not be available in the near future, especially if there are limited stocks. Personally, I rather not have regrets.
On the other hand, impulse shopping may lead to some serious damage to pockets, wallets/purses and bank accounts, especially if one is unable to control himself or herself.
@Circe, SamRavster, Melfice: I nearly thought my current topic was about Iphone vs the Android phones. That being said, if I am looking at Android phones, any recommendations?
Sanada-Kun wrote...
[color=red]lol cellphones. Nokia 5220 Xpressmusic.
I should have bought PSP first. *rage rage rage*
since I'm okay with good ol' monochrome nokia back then~
and this
sigh I haven't won any tourney lately T_T but i already bought this thing...

For gamers, a good mouse can be considered an investment... or so I think?
Rise-chan wrote...
For me, it'd be buying Pokemon Trading cards from my wallet while having many other important things to buy... such as lunch, on school. Lol.
I used to do it everyday, ditch having lunch from the cafeteria, and go to the library instead, where they'd sell Pokemon TCG, and buy booster packs, every single day.
And now most of my cards are lost...
I used to purchase rare “Magic: The Gathering” cards when I was still schooling, particularly those pertaining to blue-themed decks. The same can be said of Pokemon cards, but I only have those from the first generation. I am pretty sure I still have a Charizard foil somewhere. Lol!
SmittenKitten wrote...
This store. I love this store, when I walk in I'm weak to nearly everything I see. It has my heart. I have purchased a few things I should have left alone, but I have loved everything I've bought. Frugal as I am, this store gets me every time. XD Take my heart Anthro!!! <3<3<3 Take it and give me all of your merchandise! Fair trade?
More proof that online shopping is dangerous.
That being said, trading your heart for all the merchandise sounds like a fair deal. :P
mibuchiha wrote...
On this topic I'll just say...
Kinokuniya, so dangerous. @_@
This happened so many times before...
"I'm gonna spend 50 max! Just a book!"
*comes out*
*looks at receipt. Some 300++*
If you visit some of the larger branches, the danger level may go further up. At least, that is what I have heard from others. ^_^;;
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
almost every month i have this kind of problem.
because at that time,i can spend more than 50.000yen(US$500) in a day or 3 days.
yes even though having an epic nerdy otaku lifestyle in japan can be awesome if you're living near in akiba but you do need to plan ahead sometimes too.
almost every wednesday and thursday there'll be new item,game,figure,etc that has our interest is on sale by that time and if you buy it in limited edition package,you'll get more goodies while your wallet will bleed.
some can be just a nuisance if you just buy it without any knowledge/love but some will be your priceless treasure and you'll be just like Gollum.
@mibu agreed.
and last time i remembered,they have Borders(my 2nd Favorite bookstore) in Times Square and Midvalley.some of their collections is actually better than kinokuniya's collection.
“My precious...”
I believe it would be a fun experience for any of the Fakku members to go shopping with you in Akiba. =)
Darth Zero wrote...
OT: Games are often guilty purchases for me, even if I have only just enough money to buy a game I really want, I do it, suddenly no money.
Not to mention the holiday season is just around the corner...
sakabato24 wrote...
As of right now. Everything is a guilty purchase.
I bought so much games and other items that I really don't need.
Now I'm flat out broke. Hopefully these items come soon in the mail so I won't feel as guilty.
Since it has been a while, can I assume that these items have safely arrived in your hands and brought you some enjoyment?
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Games and Japanese music are the only things I can really think of off the top of my head.
Some of these imported CDs and music can be quite expensive at times, based on what I have observed... am I right?
Kaien wrote...
lol mine would be my gundams but I feel guilty before and during the process then afterwards im just too damn excited to build them to care otherwise XD
err only other thing is food -___- idiotically expensive food ie meal usually $5-10 , I usually spend $10-20 on food i really want
Thinking of those MG and PG model kits will make any collector happy. Lol!
Inflation has also increased the price of food over here too.
Half Man Half Amazing! wrote...
Mine would be buying figures and sometimes with food.
I really want this
Chun-Li figure. But she's 55USD. I already set aside 70USD for her but the guilt is that the money that i set aside can be used for important expenses such as paying the gasoline for my car, pay bills, food ,and school expenses. I still getting her though, she will be a nice addition to my family of figures. I'll go dug in the sofa for loose change afterwards.
As for food. My mother always tells me you never lose with food but some times i feel that way. For example i go and eat fast food such as McDonalds. I'm really hungry so i go there to pay for my meal and start eating but after i'm finished my stomach will start to hurt and i think to myself "Oh i shouldn't have bought that food". My body always deny'd fatty foods.
Likewise, I think I spend too much on figurines as well. However, we need some form of enjoyment every now and then... right? Otherwise, life will be quite stressful.
Some people can’t take certain food, but from your post, I don’t think you are allergic to fast food?
Nekohime wrote...
My most recent guilty purchase was the Ninokuni game by Level 5 and Studio Ghibli. I DL-ed the rom and found the scans of the book, but I still wanted the actual book in my hand to flip through while playing. I should really have saved that for xmas but...meh, I hate that holiday anyway, so I just give myself gifts on random days.
Yay! Nothing beats holding a physical book in one’s hands, instead of mere scans!