Terribad. Marisa cannot be that manipulative. Have a
Kou Kou Hakusho instead.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Is her pride so high even that Celestial couldn't reach it?
Are Oni are stronger than all youkai? In fact, has anyone even tried to make a hierarchy of strength in Gensokyo? It feels like it would start some interesting battle royale [size=1]and cause massive destruction[/h]
Celestial are implied to be very arrogant, so no. Suika's pride came from her natural strength and ability, but she keeps a low profile in daily basis. You do realize how laid-back she truly is, right ? That's one of many characteristic of A-class youkai. To support such assumption, let's take a look at Yukari's distaste toward Celestial in general. As we all know, Yukari is not someone who voices her real opinion directly. That being said, celestial must be so special that Yukari doesn't even feel the need to hide her distaste with either lie or sarcasm in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
To say they are stronger than the others is most likely an overstatement; they are very strong, but not necessarily the strongest. To be honest, I don't like and tend to avoid power-level discussion (since it's actually restricted and eventually become stupid), so I am not sure.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Ah, now I remember why I don't (want to) recall it.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Excellent Sakuya. In the mean time I will be
assisting Patchouli with panparatsuions.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
It goes without saying neither are light hearted stories all the way through right?
Yes. Both really left a deep impression in me, especially AIR since I ever dropped it once. I am so glad that I picked it up again and end it in one go. It also goes without saying that Clannad used some elements from both Kanon and Air.
Zaffy Duck wrote...
feel free to ask me stuff
Why are you so slow ? Why did you drop Corpse Party ? Why did you drop <*insert game*> ?