Old - Jenkins wrote...
I am not that hard-boiled.
Besides, be it 2D or not, I don't have the right to measure and compare how tragic is 'this' and 'that'. That's just distasteful.
Spoiler'd, because it's a bit off to be discussed here :
and honestly, most characters in Clannad, in my opinion, are not tied to 'tragic'. So far, the only truly tragic one I have in mind is Ushio. Just look at her, what a pitiful strong kid, having a pathetic-excuse for a dad is surely saddening. Despite of all the odds and obstacles, both physically and mentally, she is still able to stand by her own legs, something that not even his miserable dad is able to do until the very end.
As I said, it's still an above average piece. It would be really appealing for those who enjoy drama or anything else along in that line. On the other hand, people who adapted no-nonsense way of thinking wouldn't likely share the same sentiment.
I havent finished After Story so passing on Ushio and the ultimate ending for now.
Cirno should be the opposite of A-class youkai then.
The more harmless ones look terrifying?
Then where would Okuu be? Since she's the most terrifying looking.
That should be revised to the more terrifying ones look human. Like Yukari, Yuuka, and Yuyuko. [size=10]Or have names that start with "yu"[/h]
Hm, I have yet to download any anime this season. I've only set my eyes on MuvLuv as I don't watch/read enough anime/mango to know the others. Also, from the threads you linked me to, both seem to be .. ecchi and flooded with fanservices ? I can never like anything that belongs in that kind of line. But if you're still gonna watch it, then I am looking forward to your reviews for either or both, it might change my perception.
More so Imouto than Koichoco but yes they are both ecchi with fanservice. Don't expect either of those to take the stories too seriously, I think getting the VN would emphasize the story. There could always be a surprise though.
Why'd you read Maiden's Illusion ??
Unfortunately, the translation status for Though the Wind Cries vol.2 is currently unknown. If only I knew Japanese...
The premise looked interesting. It was good until Marisa showed up. You're not the only one wishing for knowledge of Japanese.
and Sunohara. He should be the main character.
Him and Mei. [size=1]In before lolicon[/h]
So Jenkins, tea please.
Zancat wrote...
That Flan-chan one is cute. XD
When eating live Flan, be careful as Flan may eat back.