KG989 wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Years ago I decided that it would be an awesome idea to use burning Lysol to remove my chest hair. I was wrong... it was awesome
Quite possibly the most epic chest hair removal solution.
I could think of some others. I have this concept, I don't know if it works, but if it does it could be the best idea ever thought of in the history of thinking. The basic idea is to somewhat loosely, stick yourself to a board or something. I guess you can use like some kind of wax, glue, or something. Then you strap yourself to it so that it can be lifted and turned upside down. When it's upside down, you release the straps, or whatever you used to secure yourself to the board. The likely result is that whatever you used to stick yourself to the board will give way all at once and you'll just drop. However, if you work it out properly, you'll kind of peel off slowly, and maybe even land on your feet or do a flip.
If you didn't get all that, you do a lot of complicated and stupid shit to tear out your chest hair. I call it gravity waxing.