Stopping with the troll name-calling, I don't think everyone will see eye-to-eye on this issue. People call other people trolls, others call them trolls, etc. etc.
What I don't like is the fact that some people might be calling other trolls on a lack of information or first-hand experience. I say TMS was not a troll simply because I was never on the receiving end of this trolling, nor did I feel any realy antagonistic intent in his posts. Then you have upstarts calling others trolls with no basis and no argument - to them, I say shut your mouths.
edit: On a separate note,
M2991 wrote...
I trust my sources more than I trust you.
For what it's worth, I'd trust Waar over you. Now, Waar may have created this thread in an attempt to see the possible reasons why anyone would label each other a troll, and also see how others view himself. But objectively speaking, Waar's been around for ages at FAKKU!, and while he likes to get into arguments, they're not without basis, and he has contributed much to FAKKU!'s development. And like all other members, he is subject to FAKKU!'s rules and such, and the admin staff are not afraid to bring the hammer down for people who crossed the line too far. If I remember correctly, even Waar was on probation once for doing something which I forgot the specifics, but he knows he went too far and apologized for it. He's been less abrasive than before and helps out more often in the community, without a doubt. Perhaps he rubs people the wrong way - deal with it.
I find that to continue this topic, I need to defend Waar since he's at the forefront of much of this discussion. I don't need to suck his e-penis to be a judge of character, but he's not a troll, and he didn't get where he was by being a troll either.