I've been following this topic closely and it seem to me that many of the users here at Fakku still have misconceptions of what a troll really is; at least according to my definition. A troll is someone who actively seeks chaos and instability, often resorting to childish behavior like name calling/personal attacks to cause negative emotions among one or multiple users on a forum. I believe where people come into problems recognizing a troll is that a troll must use consistent effort to assault a particular user or group. When I made a "Hime stop posting as much as you do" thread it wasn't trolling, I posted my opinion once and then defended myself against multiple white knights for the rest of the thread. When I asked the community what they felt about Kaho's "Ruuuuu" it wasn't trolling as I didn't even offer my own opinion; I was simply a facilitator for both parties. People jump to conclusions and label anyone they dislike as a troll nowadays.
Das wrote...
I'd only slap the troll label on someone with the clear and continuous intent of deceiving/angering/humiliating someone purely for his/her own amusement and without regard for the good of the community.
Fuckload of people simply use it towards those they dislike these days, sometimes making a good user go hostile. Sad.
This is possibly the most accurate statement to describe a troll in this entire thread. Most of the time people being accused of being a troll end up becoming fairly negative/hostile users due to that fact that they have been labeled as such. The real trolls are those of you who consistently bash and hate on specific users while providing nothing for this community; no names but you know who you are. People who simply get behind their friends without thinking of the problem at hand, those who attack based on their personal opinion and feelings without thinking about what's being said; you are the true trolls. What I really want, what my overall goal on these forums is to meet people who think for themselves, those who look at a debate/problem and think of their own opinion, make a rational decision and post that instead of simply backing a user they believe to be a friend; that is my opinion of the perfect forum.
Don't misunderstand this, I don't believe I'm without fault, or that I've never trolled anyone; I simply believe many of you should look into a mirror before you label someone a troll again.
I did break my own rules about using names in this post but the only name mentioned was my own (both incidents were where I was labeled a troll); feel free to use me or my past offenses from this point on to make your points.