Black Jesus JC wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Also, isn't global warming a scam?
Just so you know, January to June of this year was the hottest first half of any year in the U.S
I'll admit I regret not clarifying. I certainly believe it's getting warmer, but wouldn't that be because of
natural cycle? Example:
But instead we're being taught that Al Gore-Propaganda in High Schools across the globe that it is humanity's fault, and presenting it as fact? I don't think it has ever been proven. So yeah, I'll keep calling the campaign a scam...
It's getting warmer, yes. But there's no proof it's man-made.
Anyways, I think we should be ashamed of ourselves that we endorse the murder of others so that the upper class could selfishly survive.
While I bashed Bill Gates in my other post, if I agree with him on anything, I'll admit I vastly support the idea of birth control. We need to prevent UNWANTED pregnancies and EDUCATE people on sanitation and medicine (Both natural and pharmaceutical.)
If places where we are educated about proper health and sanitation, we do not need larger families because we are not getting sick. Similarly, we have access to birth control, abortion, estrogen shots (abortion without the controversy), "the pill" and so on to prevent unwanted pregnancies. If we could simply educate people on these things and provide a better environment, I believe we might see a decline in population rise without needing to harm or sterilize anyone!
Although to wrap things up, I think we need to stop looking at things globally. Our business should instead be concerned with whether
our country could sustain itself with its population than looking at the entire planet. We're not responsible for the millions in China, why should I care?