
Gamer ID's - Now with Masterlist Multipayer games are fun. From Xbox Live Gamertags to World of Warcraft character names. Any ID related to a game can be posted in here for other people to see and add. If at any time yo…


Saitom is Xenoblade Chronicles 2's Character Designer Yes, Saitom as in the author of Let's Do It. I noticed similarities to his art style in Pyra's portrait, but it threw me of…
E3 Hype With E3 just a few months away and all the hype and rumos flying everywere. I wanted to ask you guys: 1. What are you most existed about? 2. What big reaveles do you think we …
Normal to dislike Bethesda games? Seriously, I've tried. I've played Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4, but I cannot bring myself to enjoy any of these games. Everyone talked up Oblivion in high school and said it was a must-have gam…
Granblue Fantasy Well I know some peop…
Phoenix Point I'm rather surprised there hasn't already been a thread about this game here, so now that the crowdfunding campaign is underway, it really is about time there is one. Phoenix Point is the …
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hello. I'm currently watching Higurashi and I love it as a horror. Characters are moe and terrifying but loveable nonetheless. I'm curious, but does the VN have sex scenes with gore included?
Nintendo Switch Well, most of the rumors about the NX came true. One of the features being its a c…
Should i hide my taste in gaming from girl gamers & yes I'm including women gamers & other female gamers sorry if my title is not long enough. Please allow me to explain why am i asking you all this ahead of time & I'm only as…
Change into Gyaru VN I have a fetish with Gyaru-tag. I wanna find some VN with content like this: main character changing from naive person to a slut with gyaru making (dyed hair or dark skin) Both male or fem…
[ Poll ] Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild I know it is easy to get super excited about a game. I know how easy it is to buy into the hype of a new release (movie, game, anything). So I have tried to restrain myself on my opinion of Breath o…
Recommend mobile games - Girls and Mosquito There is a fun mobile game. The title is 'Girls and Mosquito'. Touch the screen to catch the mosquito game. …
Mass Effect Andromeda Romance Partners? Just curious since Bioware's been firm on keeping every option a secret until release. We already know of one human female that is romanceable and the obligatory overrated Asari romance(boo, but who w…
Legend of Zelda Title Localization Discussion Five and a half years ago in November of 2011, I wrote a blog post discussing the titles of the Zelda games and how the English names often vary from the original Japanese. What motivated me back then…
[ Poll ] Which do you love the classics,modern games or both equally I've thought of this good question of another round about gaming since now we have PS4,Xbox S One,Nintendo Wii U etc. etc. to kick things off I'll do the honors,start first and say i love both the cla…
Valkyrie Crusade Thumbnail
Valkyrie Crusade Soo... I scrolled through the "what mobile games are you playing" section of the forum and I noticed this game sooo I downloaded it and left it a bit on my phone but I picked it up again recently and …
tsukihime,Lunar Moon Eng blur text As the title suggests,I'm here to see if anyone knows how to fix the blur text problem with eng patch of Tsukihime Lunar Moon,Thank you.
Anime/Pervy android apps? I'm wondering if anybody knows any good android app for visual novels or other pervy anime games for android?
When do you have too many games? A question I posed to myself five minutes ago, when I looked at my self of 80+(not kidding) games and my hand just hovered in mid air, my eyes darted back and forth across titles, and my mind could no…