Writing and Fanfiction


Writing Section Etiquette I have noticed a few things that consistently happen in this section that I would like to address and hopefully allow the forum to grow and improve. Note that these are not the official ru…
How To Improve As A Writer (v2) In this thread, I hope to gather the many voices of Fakku, and with their help create a list of advice to help us all improve our craft as writers.
On Grammar, Punctuation, & Usage Welcome. This topic was created for the purpose of aiding writers with grammar, punctuation, usage, and whatever else they may need, and will essentially be a relatively thorough explanation of gramma…
How To Improve As A Writer In all seriousness, this topic has me thinking again on serious writing, and drawing for that matter as it is also a creative outlet. I used to do much of both but lately the only writing I've done ha…


Felt like writing something up, see if it sucks. "You have two choices. Either you join us, or you make whatever witty remark you're going to say, and we beat the everloving shit out of one another, most likely killing each other in the process. Cho…
Loyalty Loyalty By LowercaseT Based on my own imagination Preface This piece of fiction takes place in anot…
Leaving Her Mark It's a lemon, and I originally wrote it as part of a contest between my sister and I. (going to edit to make it easier to read. Maybe someone might finish and post a reply that way ><)…
Take a look and let me know what you think Hi all i am new here and while being here i decided that maybe this would be a great time to see what people thought of my book. I am currently at 6 chapters starting 7 i am just going to post one for…
WarioWare, Inc. - The Witch and The Redhead This is my first post besides my introduction, and I'm semi-nervous. I'm a fan of the WarioWare series, and I ADORE Ashley. After seeing Penny in Smooth Moves (For Wii,) I fell for her too…
An Apology Poem I guess? ^_^; ehehe title says it all... *_* okie dokie, let's begin: In my own words, it's hard to explain yesterday's awkwardness in that game you know, "buy a fakku user" But right …
Eve No Jikan Role Play(UPDATED! JOIN US?) [size=20]WELCOME TO CAFE EVE[/h] …
The Song of Storms Well, this is some of my Poetry. I wrote this one recently, and I'll admit it's definitely not some of my better work. I'll try and post a bit more of my literature, so it can be critiqued etc.(It's a…
Gentle Ji-chan's Song by Zeph ^_^ *starts humming* ~JI-CHAN JI-CHAN JI-CHAN, Oh, the magical Gentle Ji-chan~ He has a powerful slap In front of him, do not fap I'm his favorite grandchild…
Some haikus... i was bored... enjoy, if you actually plan to read them. i'm listening to my ipod while making these haikus, so the haikus are based on the songs and anime.. kinda... Let it Out-Miho Fuku…
Dancing in the Twilight Sun This was made when my style was not yet as defined. Please take that into consideration. Pretty much, I suck. The shadows danced as the luminescent moon …
A Special Poem For Kaho my heart feels heavy when you're gone even though i know it's not for long it still hurts a bit to wait but sometimes i can stay up late to be able to speak to you...…
Love me and my big sis worked on this :3 (still kind of if-fy on the rhyming) I'm quite a romantist Dates, kisses, hugs -you get the gist True love is probably the hardest thing to …
Starting a Light Novel Magazine I'm looking to start a light novel magazine. I really think that having a light novel magazine will help raise their awareness in the US. Is anyone interested in contributing stories, art, etc.? Pl…
Are 'Friends' Electric (Misc. K-on fanfiction) Thumbnail
Are 'Friends' Electric (Misc. K-on fanfiction) Are 'Friends' Electric Chaper 1: Mio (F/F, Futa, Fdom, Humiliation) Mio whimpered against Tsumugi's hand, clamped like a vice over her mouth. The sound echoed in the small clo…
Sentinel (Not a Lemon!) Ok this may be a wall of text as it 4 pages of A4 long, but I would like to know what everyone thinks about it. This is the prologue to a story I may eventually get round to writing down in more then …
Paul the Pastor it was my first try at a limerick. my sister helped (did most of it XD) ^_^ Fall came early for the Pastor Actually it came a lot faster He preached and he prayed Each an…
Another day goes by. "A day I long to spend with you, but we both know that can’t happen. I hope your happy where ever you are, knowin
Heavy Burden Here lies a young women buried in pain hentai is her sin do you know her name? she sits on her bed quietly listening every now and then, scratches her head…