Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Cremations for Cheap A town not far from where I live exploded last Saturday. Since I'm still jobless, I'm put my name …
Just got a phone call My mom made me say I was my dad to talk business with a telecom company. I took 30 seconds to remember my birth date. i have a 16~ish voice and said I was 55. Call the cops if you mu…
Medzy appreciation thread. Thumbnail
Medzy appreciation thread. Because we need one. It's his birthday too, happy birthday Medzo. You're a pretty cool guy.
Shingeki no Moe [Jewtube] This video is awesome.
I would just like to say... Good job guys, good job. You're always here to call me a raging faggot. Thanks. …
You are winner Spoiler:…
Hello dears So I discovered what Pauly Paul has been doing all this time, which is go on this damn site. It's filled with filthy smut and I found out my son is a sexual deviant. I can't blame him sinc…
Happy Birthday, mayunnaise Thumbnail
Happy Birthday, mayunnaise It's this little niglet's birthday. Rejoice and celebrate. [size=29]…
fucking acronyms I have had to look up 3 new acronyms just today. A few more in the last month. What the fuck is up with people and acronyms? Can't anyone spell shit out anymore?
Vampire or kawaii double fang? Reminds me of Karin Maaka slightly.
When some random dude say " Anime is a cartoon " Everyone wen't nuts and say " Anime is not a cartoon " Like... Anime is still a fucking cartoon, anime is a japanese slang of " Animation " I don't get why they find the word " cartoon " a sin for ani…
How come the cops are so racist? When shit goes down, someone has to talk to the police. I'm white as milk My ancestry is cree french and …
Have you guys played Deadpool yet? I can't put it into words how fun that game was.
OH GAWD FINALLY I got Platinum in Dark Souls! ...after a year of hiatus with this game, but I GOT IT I was gonna do this thread yesterday, but I accidentally killed Priscilla before cutting off her tail r…
Being Back on the Fakku! Back to life on Fakku. How's everybody fapping (i mean doing)? New experiences?