Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Konbanwa Hi, I'm new here. about it. --- I've been going to fakku a lot reading doujins of my favourite animes (which in turn destroys my outlook on it f…
Hello Had the site saved for a while, but this is actually the first time here for me. If you are wondering, i'm the same Snesso of Danbooru/4chan/some other sites. Well, nice to meet you all.
Hello I have been coming here for a while. Thought it might be cool to introduce myself lol. (Been lurking behind the monitor for a while.) My brother is reallllly in to going to conventions and stuff. (I t…
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie (Flying The Flag For Australia) :idea: Hi all IM Dark and yes im addicted to hentai ne other aussies out there??? in fakku land???
finally here finally i have joined ufficially the FAKKU community. i have lurked for so much time in this place. Now i'm here to remain :twisted: Something about me: i like the negima series, suzumiya haru…
So... Why haven't I done this earlier? Yeah, I joined back in round 1 of the motemote, so don't ask why I haven't posted anything in the intro until just now. In case you can't tell I'm very lazy. Um, hi I guess.
Hmm. Hello. Lurker here...I'm probably one of the few female members., I'm most likely not interested in you. :p So anyway, hi. I doubt I'll post much more, but I figured I sh…
Yo all Yo i'm not really new to fakku but I only just registerd :P Well 1st of all I'm a guy, I live in holland my age is ..XXX... (I won't tell ya, but it's above 18 don't worry ;) ) well I have…
I like hentai very, very much hi, i'm eliwood been lurking for a while now, and thought i'd join up to vote for the motemote while I still had the chance did I mention that I like hentai? also, how do…
Yoroshiku Wassup, I'm g-money, and though I'm no stranger to anime/manga/hentai forums, it ain't proper without a greeting from the new person. I'm not too sure how I found this site, but man am I glad I did...…
Hello all Hrm, the bullet point version of me [list] * Old. So very, very old. * Programmer, though currently looking for work. * I'm just starting to get into anime again after a …
hi hey im new, what's up?
'sup Hey, guys. I'm pretty new here. All you can really expect me to do here is to lurk, vote in the MOTEMOTE polls, and to not upload any pictures. D: So, hey. (I'll try uploading a few pictures, but I p…
Yo you know i never did this but hey better late than never, so HI. =]
Hello o_O. Azncat?! D: Ello. Introduction -- Put it simply, I'm a random child parson. Herro :3.
=P First time user :] Hey! Good to be on Fakku, seen some of the Doujin and Videos! Just thought I would meet some people of Fakku :]. :3 well I'mma read doujin feel free to mail me, I'll be here too t…
Ello to all Just figured I would stop being lazy and finally make a few posts. I've been a big Fakku supporter for sometime now, yall do such great work guys. So after all this time trolling the forums and enjoyi…
Greetings. Greetings. I am a Swedish guy sometimes known as Dålif who is just newly introduced to Hentai. I've been lurking around for a month so I figured it is about time to interact with the community to expa
Hi from an uber perv As it says i'm an uber perv their are so few things i'm not into it's easier to list the ones i'm not and they are bestiality, Gore and umm that's about it lol and then the gore thing depends such as …
*Steps forward.* Good day to you all. Given how hard it is to find a 'good' site for....this sort of thing without it somehow involving payment, finding this place-by a chance mention, no less-is luck abso…
Monster Girl
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