

Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


[ Poll ] so, I've been around here awhile, and... I got bored, and clicked on one of the (bomb-dot-com) asian chicks on the bottom of the screen. I read the entire spiel about these masturbation things... whould you guys even…
Puppies! Puppies! So cute!
Lol if I was going down and couldn't do anything to stop it I would totally do something like this. …
[ Poll ] What women want, on FAKKU? I'm starting to wonder since I read some post from women, What do the ladies that visit FAKKU are looking for? One thing that I noticed is that girls[1] love to *talk* about sex as much a…
HOLY Sh!!!! I am speechless on this one, it should be owned by every living person that likes anime in the world... i want it so eefin bad right now. http://www.hardwaresphere.com/2008/07/…
CwCheat for the PSP OK, I know I'm going to get some negative comments, but how do you use cwcheat on the PSP? I'm not very techy, so I have a difficult time. I can't get my PSP to enter recovery mode after I put s…
ROCK 'EM SOCK 'EM ROBOTS! http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/browse/Home/For-The-Home/Toys/Games/Rockem-Sockem-Robots/D/30100/P/1:100:1030:10370:101230/I/f07753?evar3=BROWSE you can still get this. didn't kno…
Layout and Setup. those are basically my parts. I just wish I knew a bit more about it, I had an expert set it up for me. I just need to comprehend. Especially since they're so fragile. I was looking to see if maybe an…
Often Asked Tech Questions Right. Since FAKKU deals a lot with questions from techno-weenies, I decided to answer them here and merge them into one big fat post. Links to topics will be put in if deemed appropriate.…
Longest forum thread ever? What is the longest forum thread we have ever had on FAKKU? The longest one I have been seeing is the one in the specific anime section for Code Geass R2, which is currently at 95 pages. Any that to…
Anyone here who's in to RCs? anyone here who owns a RC model car, plane, boats? anyone?
Dude, the power this record! I have absolutely NO CLUE why I am listening to Doggystyle, but suddenly, its' power washed over me and I threw it on. This album was the BOMB when I was growing up [I feel old now]. Anyway, I was cur…
[ Poll ] Chinese Democracy For those of you who have the album, what do you think? Glory days revived? No longer GnR? Garbage?
External Hard Drives My laptop's two 60GB hard drives are running low on me. Anybody know the prices of some external drives according to the size?
Personal Armored Assault Vehicle So this is actually just an idea of mine for a military use weapon. The Personal Armored Assault Vehicle(PAAV) is basically a one man operated tank. The base of which is a tank track syst…
Lolz im still in high school (18 and senior) I went to the Principles office, lol she wasn't there and got on the intercom, then i said very loudly "WHITE POWER!" i got one OSS day…
Dare to answer this question? good day to all... the title might scared you a little but there is nothing to be scared of.... i was just curious, what does "fakku" really mean???
some kid collapse after playing world of war craft for 24hr http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20081118/twl-gamer-collapses-after-24hr-stint-3fd0ae9.html…
SD Gundam [super deformed gundam] i see a trailer from japantube. it's the opening of SD Gundam G Generation Spirit. i always love gundam. i want to share the video to all of you. http://mickey.tv/r…
Oddly useful programmes. DisplayFusion - For those of you who work in a Windows environment with two monitors and always found the lack of dual wallpaper support for your two [etc] monitors, despair no more! It's not a CPU co…