

Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


[ Poll ] Would you pay 99.95 for... a 20oz bottle of Pepsi? So I work in a grocery store and outside the front entrance there's a Pepsi machine that has fucked up, instead of the 1.40 that it should cost it's 99.95.
God damn it, what am I doing? I am sitting here, pondering how to properly organize an egg carton. I wish I weren't serious. I'm not OCD by nature, but there are two compulsions that I cannot resist: organizing egg cartons and per…
Asus eeePC Anyone of you guys got it? I'm planning on getting one for myself.
Look upon your god! This is your god! WORSHI…
Suddenly. I have this urge to play FF4. There's an unsubbed version in the related tab somewhere, I think. Anyw…
[ Locked ] Test waar = jacob? uh oh...
Rage So I was at the supermarket today buying some deli meat (I like meat and I like sandwiches, together they make a fine combination) and I heard some kids behind me spouting "You just lost the game!" an…
Brother-Complex my name is Mizuki Hizashimono. i'm the only child in my family, i live happily with mom and dad. they always smile on me and tells me that i'm a good girl. altough it's only a small family…
fakku-subs in anidb amazing!! i just found that fakku-subs is in anidb.net whoa...... nice one guys ;D keep it up!!! wohoo http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=group&gid=5545 i stumbled u…
[ Poll ] Hair Color? I know it's been done but I think we have quite a few new people that come to the forums so I'd like a fresh take on this. I'm going to base this poll in reality so I won't add shades of p…
Let a song represent your mood. Simple. Post either a link to the song, video, or lyrics themselves (I prefer lyrics myself) of how you're feeling. Here's mine: Artist: Bullet for My Valentine…
What would you do with one wish? So you come across a broken genie in a bottle and rub it. A genie pops out but it's a broken one. You only get one wish and that wish must be realistic and achievable. What would you wish for?…
Wrestling Anybody else here watch wrestling? TNA or WWE or whatever? I watch both and I enjoy both. DIscuss without flaming me to hell pretty please? :P
First Love Who is the first anime girl you loved? mine was Tifa Lockehart when i first played ff7 when i was lik 11 she was hot lol!
Which super-villain are you test ? (Marvel & DC ) Which is you? (sorry can't find any good anime test) Click here to test it. http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/ Your results: You are…
My Gallary (Skecth)!! I upload my pic in PICASA . in my comment I write THAI lang. when I have freetime I will write comment to english !! .Now comment as your want http://picasaweb.google.com…
Is your Child a Computer Hacker! http://www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Know-if-Your-Child-is-a-Hacker-18175731 HAHAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLOLOLOL enjoy :3