Gamer ID's - Now with Masterlist Multipayer games are fun.
From Xbox Live Gamertags to World of Warcraft character names. Any ID related to a game can be posted in here for other people to see and add.
If at any time yo…
Your favorite overrated game of all time? Does anyone have there favorite overrated video games ever? My favorite games are the God of War series & Marvel vs. Capcom 2 & 3.
Region-Based Version Differences In Games >.> Oh god... Why do the developers have to change game content based on the region? Most games made by Japanese developers are cut down because some content is "region-exclusive". Why? Not only Japanese …
Favorite video game mecha Well, after seeing that Gundam-inspired thread, I decided to make a proper thread on it. No poll either to restrict, just the question asked in the title. What is your favori…
A character you hate, how far will you go? We all game and have characters you dont like. It is a basic, get out of here, you are useless! So my sister dislikes Micaiah from Fire Emblem Raidant Dawn. I dont mind her really and she has good loo…
[ Poll ] Fave Halo:Reach Map I'm A Halo Fanatic And I Was Wondering What Were The Fave Maps Of Other Halo Fans Like Myself...Personally My Fave Is Boneyard...So??
My Girlfriend is the President!(Osanajimi wa Daitouryou) Started playing it 2 days ago.
Very good in terms of Characters, Story, and Romance.
Lots of parodies(which most of you won't understand unless you watch a shitload of anime)
Just finished Assassin's Creed: Revelations. . . And I feel something like a void in me. Let's face it this game is far too easy for anyone who has played the previous ones. However the story is what keeps me enthralled, I really love all of AC stor…
Best Graphics On A Video Game? What video game has the most realistic graphics ever?
Mine i think is Crysis 2. Seriously, just watch a gameplay on youtube and set the settings to 1080p. You'll shat bricks, I guarantee y…
Duke Nukem Forever The first person to say "What a load of hype!" I will personally kill.
Well, just recently I've been looking at DN3D again, and remembered about DNF. I laughed, cuz it's not had any new ma…
[ Poll ] Gaming Aggression On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your gaming aggression.
I'm usually at a 2-3, but if I get pissed enough I can max out at 5 saying things like, "come on... come you little f**ker, mov…
Xenonauts (X-com) Xenonauts is a remake/revival of the classic X-com (aka UFO) series by indie developer Goldhawk Interactive. They are well into development and at the moment a 2012 release is quite possible.…