Basic Information:
Name: Hoshimiya Ichigo
Aliases: Starmiya, Himawari No Kimi (only used by members of the Hana Hime Den), Flower Princess, The Enchantress, Alice Academy's Idol, Life-sucking Vampire (not known to the public).
Gender: Female.
Age: 14.
Ichigo was known to perform on stages with that costume. Most of her Alice restraints took after the accessories she used to wear with her dress.
Personality: In the most simplest terms, Ichigo can be described as a natural airhead. Seemingly oblivious to many things going on around her. Ironically, she is the most cautious amongst the students in the academy, she puts up a perfect radiant smile - which is her specialty - in order to not appear worried about anything in everyday life. Even though she knows that things won't always be peaceful.
Ichigo is sometimes careless, and can forget very important things when they matter the most, which makes her slightly clumsy in a way. She is also known to be a gluttonous person - which she admitted to - who loves to devour anything sweet, especially strawberry shortcakes. She'd make food for herself with her amazing cooking skills just to fulfill her gluttonous desires if she could. However, she has the habit of doing exercises soon after eating, to burn away the excess amount of added calories in her body in order to maintain her slim figure. Perhaps it was a habit developed from when she worked as an idol in the past.
Ichigo has a bright personality, through and through, yet even then, a cheerful ever-smiling person likes to cry on the corner out of loneliness and isolation. Albeit almost always on guard, Ichigo is a person who genuinely cares about her peers' well-being, to the point she'd even consider risking her safety for almost anyone in danger. However, she makes no actual efforts to make any close friends, even though she seems to care for almost everyone around her equally.
Background: Hoshimiya Ichigo is a person with a bright and bubbly personality who enrolled into Alice Academy half an year ago. Ichigo had been working in the Entertainment Industry as an idol before transferring into the academy. A young idol who's known to have the spunk, spirit, and brightness; almost as radiant as the sun to boot. Being a young girl, she is far from having adequate physical strength, sometimes failing to carry anything close to being relatively heavy. On the contrary, one can only wonder how she has so much stamina for dancing and running so much.
Her Alice's effects would take place whenever she sung on stage. It was strangely suspicious, but it was soon discovered, and confirmed that she was unknowingly using the Alice she was born with. Thus the living-dream of her life ended; along with her her stream of works, and the life she so enjoyed with a dazzling smile. After being transferred to the academy, she managed to blend in relatively easily, or so her classmates claimed. Ichigo still carries with her the aura of an idol, one which is filled with warmth and positivity, thus she is immensely popular amongst both boys and girls alike, since she is simply an adorable and a lovable person. Who always goes around wearing a smile, making one think that she's loving her life in the academy as well. Perhaps she really does love her life in this place, but she never expressed either liking her time in the academy, nor wanting to leave it as soon as possible. Perhaps she is satisfied with how the academy makes her do dance performances on the big events hosted by the academy - especially the Alice Festival.
When Ichigo first transferred into the academy, it was suspected that her Alice was Somatic type. But then her second Alice was discovered after some months, which seemed more like a Latent type Alice. It further confused the authorities. Much to Ichigo's dismay, the issue was indifferently brushed aside in the end, as the final decision was that Ichigo's bizarre combinations of Alices would be regarded as the Special Type. It has been speculated that her Vocal Enchantment's passive effects and the effects of health deterioration from her Alice Form being Limited - are somewhat 'balanced' out by the opposite effects they have on the body. But no facts have been established so far. Which is surprising, according to Persona, because with that many restraints, one would think that any type of passive effects would stop working.
Much to the curiosity of others, nothing much is known about Ichigo's private life. There are rumors that she is an orphan, or that her parents abandoned her long ago by eventually 'selling' her to the academy. It's mysterious because whereabouts regarding even her guardians are non-existent, almost as if she lived only in the stages where she could sing and dance.
Affiliation: Elementary School Principal and Middle School Principal.
Strength: 1(+1)
Dexterity: 3(+1)
Perception: 2(+1)
Alice: 5
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 4
Name of the Alice: Ichigo has three Alices:
- Vocal Enchantment Alice
- Life Drain Alice
- Star Light Alice
Type of ability: Special type.
Alice's Effect:
- Vocal Enchantment Alice: The Alice that almost frequently worked in Ichigo's life, without she herself knowing the fact that it was almost always active whenever she used her voice. Unless it's under control, Vocal Enchantment Alice works whenever Ichigo utters anything with her voice. It's effects comes out the most whenever she hums a tune, or sings with her voice. People who usually listens to Ichigo's singing always gets the strange feeling of 'warmth', 'stronger', and more 'alive' and it felt like their hearts would melt away for some reason. This was the very first sign of Ichigo's identity as an Alice, which lead to her power's discovery. The Alice is so strong that any of Ichigo's recorded songs can also provide the same strengthening effects upon playing them with any type of music players, the effects of Vocal Enchantment apparently works best when it comes from the Alice's owner face-to-face regardless. Vocal Enchantment passively 'enchants' the user's body when not in full control. This happens to Ichigo all the time as her Alice restraints haven't managed to fully chain down her Alice. The same effects of enchantment are temporarily experienced by those who hears Ichigo's singing voice.
- Life Drain Alice: A fearsome Alice that Ichigo can barely keep under control, given how rare the opportunities she receives to get accustomed to it. Information about this Alice is not known to many in the academy; there are only rumors about it, and they're all exaggerated and blown out of proportion. This Alice can literally drain the life out of others; basically, it trades good-health away from it's victims and heals the user in return, harming the targets in the process. Ichigo however, seems to suffer a state of weakness after using this Alice. As the 'life' drained via the Alice takes time to implement the healing effects into her body. In this short and painful period of time, she feels too weak; so much that just getting up and walking feels like a tough feat to accomplish.
- Starlight Alice: ???
Star Ranking: Special Star.
Alice Class: Dangerous Ability type class.
Form of the Alice: Limited form.
Alice Restraints: Ichigo's Alice restraints are known to be rather fashionable, yet gives a rather strange feel to her appearance; making her completely unique. A white headband, bigger-than-usual round earrings, both embed with a star symbol. She also wears a necklace around her neck which has a red stone, within it is a star symbol is visible, due to it being under her uniform, it's usually not seen by others, but apparently it's very pretty and shiny. She also wears black gloves with pointy ends that has beads attached, over her gloves on both her arms' wrists - are her armlets which consists of colorful beads. There is also a golden ring with a red stone on her right hand's ring finger. Lastly, there is a stylish black belt adorned with a rather large dark ribbon, hanging loose around her waist - at the center of the ribbon is yet another red stone.
All the items with attached beads and red stones are apparently special stones designed to suppress Ichigo's Alice. There is a rumor that they were apparently commissioned by someone for solely Ichigo's sake, apparently huge amount of money were spent to have them crafted. ((OOC: Most of the restraints described are in the picture provided for this character.))
Other NPC Profiles
Basic Information:
Name: Amelia
Aliases: Silver Princess, Mistress of Roses, Lily.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14.
Of course, you should ignore the sword in the picture.
Personality: Amelia is known to be calm and cool in the academy. Known to have an almost imperturbable composure, she has a habit of being terse when conversing with others, due to being terrible at expressing herself, she prefers to keep communication with others to a minimum. She started to act that way so that she could be left alone by those who kept trying to interact with her. Before she knew it, it became one of her well-known features that partially helped to spread her name.
Amelia is ambitious, but not exactly in a malicious way, she does have a gentle and noble side to her. She finds this 'side' of her's embarrassing, so she tries to hide it to the best of her ability, with the help of her facade that contains her cool and composure.
Amelia possesses a trait to draw people's attention with her words, any longer-than-usual speech or reply manages to draw more attention than needed, and they actually seem to greatly effect others' opinions. Rather, she believed that it's vexing that she used to drew so much attention to herself without even trying. In the end, she had no choice to just bare with the unneeded attention, and instead decided that it may be better to just join something like the Student Council, apparently to gain a position in the academy, this desire was solely fueled by her ambitiousness. Of course, she had no idea that after deciding on such an idea, she'd be lead straight into the Dangerous Ability class instead of joining the ranks of the Student Council members.
Background: A girl thought to be an orphan. How she came to be on Japan, or where she was born, or who her real parents are, is something she has no memory of. Perhaps she lost them somehow, or she simply can't remember them because she was simply too young. She did know one thing - she looked very different from others; she had foreign blood flowing through her veins. The reason can be almost anything. But the most harshest fact was that she was adopted - taken in by people who intended to use her. She could only remember her name whenever she tried to remember anything, which was 'Amelia', and that was the name she lived her life with. She wasn't given any surname, or a new name by the married couple that took her in, oddly enough. As a child, Amelia didn't think anything about it - no, she tried to ignore the factor as hard as she could; shoving her doubts aside. Alas, she was betrayed. Upon the discovery of her Alice, they sent her away to the academy, as the government would pay large amount of money in return for handing over the Alice. Her guardians did this as soon as they discovered the Alice. For the first time ever, she saw the true and vile smiles of the people known as 'adults' when she was about to sent away.
After transferring into Alice Academy at the age of 8, she never received any mail from her official 'parents' who sold her, she sent a few mails at first, but she subsequently stopped. Unless for show, Amelia never smiled ever again. At first, she was simply depressed for feeling abandoned and thrown away. As she grew up in the harsh environment of the academy. She soon started to adapt to her new life; developing her cool and collected demeanor soon after, something that her peers came to admire. Knowing this, she felt rather pleased; feeling accepted into the class. The fearsomeness of her Alice was a completely different matter, though. Her Plant Manipulation Alice was another feature of her's that was admired, it made her seem like a proper young lady, especially due to her beautiful looks. But then the discovery of her Plant Growth Alice, which she unintentionally activated for self-protection from
Jinno's Lightning Alice, even though she meant to take her punishment, caused quite a lot of problems for her.
It took some time for the decision, but her punishment was the least she cared about in the past, the Dangerous Ability class. Inversely, due to her new Alice, the evaluation of the academy towards her changed, and her Star Ranking rose from Double Star to Triple Star. Due to her ambitiousness, she felt slightly disappointed. Around this time, she realized after starting to participate in the so-called 'missions' that the academy made her secretly work in - her Alice's Form was Limited. Her body started to suffer from painful aftermaths which made her sometimes cough; rarely there would be blood, and she'd frantically have to come and go from the hospital for medication to fight against the pain whenever she had to use her Alice.
Ever since her transfer to the Dangerous Ability class, she tried to keep her Alice under her reigns, with her own will, accompanied by a few accessories which served as restraints. It didn't seemed to go out of control again. After the incident, she swore to never do anything unnecessarily rash that would harm her reputation (which was already in a mess by then) - more importantly, herself - which she wanted to have in order to gain the Special Rank and become a Principal student, then join the Student Council. Currently, it doesn't seem that such a feat would be easy to achieve, as being a member of the Dangerous Ability class is already a thorn to her path, despite she herself being smart and studious and may possibly be good enough to be eligible to take up a position in the council.
Affiliation: Elementary School Principal.
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 2
Alice: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name of the Alice: Amelia has two Alices:
- Plant Manipulation Alice
- Plant Growth Alice
Type of ability: Technical type.
Alice's Effect:
- Plant Manipulation Alice: The Plant Manipulation Alice is one that allows Amelia to control and mutate plants. Unlike
Misaki's Plant Manipulation Alice who owns a bean whip, or anything that isn't too grotesque or just strange - Amelia's plants turns out to be rather dark, scary and monstrous. This is probably a result of her psychological state. Lastly, Amelia usually uses both her Alices together, and never bothers to have flowers and plants grow normally, and always uses her Alice instead.
- Plant Growth Alice: Initially thought to be a natural Growth Alice that could help with growth of just about any living beings, the thought was quickly dismissed when anything other than plants and flowers were unaffected from the Alice's power. The ability of this Alice is to allow any type of a plant to grow at an alarming rate, so much that it looks scary to her peers, it also adds an air of 'dangerous and powerful' or so her classmates in the Middle School Division seems to think.
Star Ranking: Triple Star.
Alice Class: Dangerous Ability type class.
Form of the Alice: Limited form.
Alice Restraints: Her Alice Restraints were given to her straight from the Elementary School Principal after she was transferred into the Dangerous Ability class. It was his welcome gift, apparently. The gift contained three seemingly strange accessories. A hairband which had a pair of dices, an earring with a tiny dice, and a dice... all of them were colored golden on the corners; the rest of the parts being white. Amelia freaked out from the weirdness, but forced herself to look on the bright side that they'd at least make her more unique... even though she usually hated the idea of getting more attention. ((OOC: Two of the restraints described can be found in the picture provided for this character.))
Basic Information:
Name: Hyuuga Ai
Aliases: Student Council President, Vermillion Queen.
Gender: Female.
Age: 18.
Slightly taller than the image implies.
Personality: A prideful girl who likes to take on many challenges, and due to her talents and drive to be a winner; she usually succeeds in her endeavors. Her demeanor is strict and serious, always; much like the Principal of her school division, Yukihira Kazumi. She prioritizes work over many things, and the many things that are almost never prioritized are usually seen as trivial things to her.
Ai is somewhat wishful, and tries to make said wishes come true with her own hands. She doesn't believe that anyone is there to lend her a helping hand with her desires, as they may not share her beliefs and hence thinks that she to be as independent as possible. Ai does have a kind older sisterly side, but she never shows it unless alone with her younger sister.
Background: Ai's family moved into a village to evade the academy's pursuit, as they repeatedly tried to prevent she and her sister from being repeatedly persuaded by the academy. Ai inherited her mother's beauty, Alice, and even the Alice Form, and some aspects of her mother's personality.
Teachers from Alice Academy one day comes to talk in order to convince the two sisters to transfer into the academy, it was unexpected as they had just moved into a certain village at that time. Of course, they spoke to the parents and Ai, her younger sister wasn't allowed to see them as she was far too young. They declined the teachers' offers despite their pleas. However, Persona had other ideas, and threatened to endanger Aoi's safety, demonstrating the destructive power of his Alice. Ai could barely control her Alice, so she could do little against Persona.
Forced, Ai decided to go to the academy, in exchange that they'd leave Aoi alone. However, her younger sister came along, saying that she couldn't just leave her older sister alone. The irony of the situation made Ai feel shameful, miserable and overall defeated. She could literally imagine Persona's laughter of mockery behind the scenes. She swore to one day make Persona and the academy suffer for what they did.
After transferring into the academy. She decided to change herself, she did this by changing her hair color to blond, even adding rolls at the ends of the strands. Then proceeded to using expensive items from the Central Town to further change her looks.
Ai's talents were recognized, in about months after entering the academy. The power of her Alice, her intelligence, combined with her mannerisms and strict nature which followed every rules, she gained higher Star Rankings quite fast, impressing many along the way. She received the Special Star ranking quite fast, gaining admiration of most of the student body; especially her younger sister.
Now in High School Division, Ai became the representative of the Latent Type Alice class. Her abilities are recognized so much that she finally won the position of Student Council President, when this happened, she thought to herself that it was only natural that she'd gain this position.
Affiliation: High School Principal.
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 2
Alice: 4
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4
Name of the Alice: Fire Alice
Star Ranking: Special Star.
Alice Class: Latent type class.
Type of ability: Latent type.
Alice's Effect: Ai's Alice is the Fire Alice which she inherited from her father, like her younger sister. This Alice gives her the ability to create and manipulate fire to her will. However, she also inherited the Limited Alice Form from her mother, which meant that her Alice is limitless, and immensely powerful, but upon use - she'd damage her health. Which is why she rarely ever uses her Alice, ever since she learned to control it.
Form of the Alice: Limited.
Alice Restraints: To limit the use of her Fire Alice, Ai wears an earring and an ear ornament, along with a silver ring on her left hand's ring finger, and a red bracelet on her left arm.
Basic Information:
Name: Kiriya Aoi
Alias: The Cool Beauty.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14.
Personality: Aoi is always cool and collected. She is very analytical about almost anything, and is more intellectual than sporty, unlike her childhood friend, Ichigo. She'd take proper preparations before taking up a challenge, just to make sure she wins hands down, thus she is somewhat of a perfectionist. However, she always tries to do everything in the right way and does it in a serious manner, and hates dirty and deceitful tricks.
Background: Rumored to be member of a rich family - but never confirmed - Aoi has been trying to avoid enrolling into Alice Academy for many years till now. Aoi is Ichigo's childhood friend, they met each other on a fair where she found Ichigo dancing poorly; trying to copy a dancer who was performing at the fair at that time. They soon found themselves in the same classroom on their school next day, and got to know each other more. They soon became inseparable. Aoi's dream was to be an actress, and due to her influence, Ichigo learned about the large world that is known as the Entertainment Industry - who subsequently became the daredevil, having the dream to become a popular idol.
After Aoi started her career as an actress at the age of 11 (which was by pure luck), her acting skills were described to be felt so real that it was spine-chilling. On a set while shooting on a certain fateful day at the age of 14. Aoi was in a very competitive spirit as she strove to be as good as the other females actresses on the same set. This created a problem, Aoi unknowingly performed such an act, that more than half the staff started to think the whole scene acted out was actually
real. Since it was a show where some trained girls were arresting criminals, it was an issue that was unsurprisingly surreal. As a result, there was a panic. The director feared that her amazing acting skills were actually through a supernatural power, and thus contacted Alice Academy. It soon turned out that Aoi really was an Alice.
Aoi, feeling it was the inevitable call of fate, was once again confronted by men from academy; beckoned to transfer into the academy. Here, she learned for the first time that her old friend Ichigo, was actually in the academy, which she had no idea about (the information was not publicized).
Aoi decided to transfer into Alice Academy.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 3
Alice: 2
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 2(+1)
Name of the Alice: Acting Alice.
Star Ranking: None.
Alice Class: Somatic type class.
Type of ability: Somatic.
Alice's Effect: Aoi has the Acting Alice. Whenever in use, whatever Aoi does becomes very believable. At the same time, she is able to adopt any different persona or facade which would help accompany her act. This acting doesn't effect others so much that they'd believe an acting scene's situation has became something real, it can only happen when Aoi releases the highest extent of her Alice, which is something she can't willingly do, yet.
Aoi has yet to learn how to control her Alice properly.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
Basic Information:
Name: YamanÅchi Shizune
Aliases: Kakitsubata (only used by members of the Hana Hime Den), Flower Princess.
Gender: Female.
Age: 17.
Personality: Shizune is a serious, blunt, smart and perceptive. Dignified as a girl, she was qualified enough as a young lady to be invited into the Hana Hime Dem. She is also one who holds utmost respect for the Middle School Principal, Himemiya.
She is known to have a more fun side as she sometimes made her underclassmen get into blackmailing.
Background: Not much is known about Shizune, aside from the fact that she is one of the true geniuses of the academy, along with the other members holding the Special Rank of the Star Rankings. As one with the Special Star Rank, and being a Technical Type Alice user, she was the only one who had the appropriate requirements to become the Representatives of the Technical class of Alices. She is thus one of those being the subject of admiration. Being a part of the Student Council, she is somewhat acquainted with the internal conflicts of the academy that goes on everyday. But she is neutral, as is the Middle School Principal, Himemiya.
It is unknown how many years ago it happened, but she was invited into Hana Hime Den by Himemiya on the new year's party which is held every year, and became a 'Flower Princess', a title given to those who becomes a member of Hana Hime Den. She soon became Himemiya's right-hand lady in everyday life, she usually reminds Himemiya if she makes any type of mistakes or errors, including even etiquette in daily life.
Affiliation: Middle School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 3
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 4
Name of the Alice: Sound Alice
Star Ranking: Special Star.
Alice Class: Technical type class.
Type of ability: Technical type.
Alice's Effect: Shizune has the Sound Alice, which allows her to control people by creating a sound. Shizune can't control anyone from the school staff, because of the difference in Alice control.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
Basic Information:
Name: Yuki Kazuya
Alias: None.
Gender: Male.
Age: 17
Personality: A kind and well-mannered person. Kazuya is known to be one of the smartest and brightest students of the academy. He likes to read random books when he has nothing better to do, and usually picks books that would somehow benefit him in his studies; it may be one of the reasons why he almost always getts the highest grades, ever since he entered the Middle School Division; even getting several chances to go home for a visit, but mysteriously never did. He is very popular with the girls as the 'nice and handsome' guy, and rarely envied by the males (because males admires him too), but refuses to go out with anyone. There are rumors saying that he has a one-sided crush towards Shizune.
Kazuya ignores any conversations related to his family, and is known to casually shift the topic. He used to be very paranoid, always thinking that kidnappers were after him, even inside the academy, when he was younger. But his paranoia went away as time passed.
Background: Kazuya is a person who ignores anything about his family in order to protect them, as he was given a threat due to being undisciplined back on Elementary School Division, from that point on; he'd ignore anything regarding his family, and would pretend that he never really cared. Kazuya is exceptionally smart, and almost always used to get the Best Student Award, which contained a special privilege that allowed the student to visit his or her family for a week. However, Kazuya never used this chance to visit them, he now doesn't know anything about his family. Instead, he focused on what he could do; studying and making his life better. Although he had no idea that he'd get Triple Star ranking when at Elementary School Division.
He only ran for the candidacy of Special Star rank only because his classmates prodded him into doing it. Nonetheless, as a member of the Student Council now, he is glad that he did so, because he feels that can help people out more easily now, with his position of the Vice President.
Affiliation: High School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 2
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 3
Name of the Alice: Kazuya has two Alices:
- Healing Alice
- Pain Alice
Star Ranking: Special Star.
Alice Class: Latent type class.
Type of ability: Latent type.
Alice's Effect:
- Healing Alice: The Healing Alice allows Kazuya to heal anyone who is hurt upon putting his palm over the injury. It can be used to heal himself too. When he looses consciousness, he can subconsciousness draw of his Alice's powers to heal himself over time.
- Pain Alice: This Alice has the opposite effect of his Healing Alice, which enables him to transfer pain that he has stored in his body from others (by using Healing Alice) and thus inflict pain to others. This too, can be done simply with the touch of his hands.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
((OOC: I could just make a profile for Imai Subaru instead, but I opted for a different character with Healing and Pain Alices due to the plot.))
Basic Information:
Name: Shirayuki Ayane
Alias: Aero Girl.
Gender: Female.
Age: 18.
Personality: As a senior in Alice Academy, Ayane is usually kind and mature, smart and hardworking, apparently she inherited these traits from her mother. She is also rarely clumsy and carefree, this comes from her father. However, that side of her's is rarely seen by her classmates in the academy. Ayane accepts almost any happenstances in an instant; being very accepting as she likes to think that whatever happens in life is one's fate, there is no reason to deny the inevitable.
Due to her Alice, Ayane has many fan-girls, making her extremely popular, with her personality and attractiveness, she is also popular among males. But because of her Pheromone Alice, males are apparently unable to dive past the hoard of girls in order to even approach Ayane to ask her out.
Background: Almost no one remembers when Ayane entered the academy, she's been in it for as long as one can remember, and was usually surrounded by girls from when she was little, as her Alice was something she couldn't control. As someone who grew up in the academy, she may be the best person if someone wants a tour of the campus. Ayane is a student from the High School Division who is famous for her diligent and hardworking nature, as well as a successful Special Star Rank student. She is also very kind and helpful; not wanting to leave anyone is need alone if she ever comes across one. While in actual reality, Ayane is motivated to help others because she feels that helping others will allow her to collect 'luck points' from God... a strange thinking, possibly an influence from superstitions.
Ever since the discovery of her other Alice, her name spread in a different way, making her even more of an admirable person. Ayane is frequently compared with the other Principal students. She feels that she is regardless incomparable to the other members of the Student Council, especially the President, who is a person she idolizes.
Ayane is also the representative of the Somatic type class, with her unique Somatic type Alices. She feels like she doesn't deserve to be a representative, as she has to depend on her Alice controlling devices to stop her Pheromone Alice to be used continuously, hence she cannot control it even now.
Affiliation: High School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 2
Alice: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 2(+1)
Name of the Alice: Ayane has two Alices:
- Girl Pheromone
- Soar Alice
Star Ranking: Special Star.
Alice Class: Somatic type class.
Type of ability: Somatic type.
Alice's Effect:
- Girl Pheromone: Ayane has the Pheromone Alice, which can control the hearts of girls via pheromones. Since Ayane is unable to control it, she gave up because of the girls being too clingy, and had to resort to using Alice restraints. Turned out that her Alice was still not fully restrained even after wearing the restraints, but it helped to at least improve her daily life.
- Soar Alice: Ayane's second Alice which awoke after she entered High School Division. Ayane couldn't remember either of her parents having such an Alice, so she was beyond surprised when such an Alice emerged from her. Soar Alice allows Ayane to temporarily spawn a pair of white wings, much like angels or other mythological beings from historical epics or tales from modern world. The speed at which Ayane can fly with said wings are considerably higher than even Flying Alice. Which is why it's considered a rare and better version of the Flying Alice. However, due to Ayane's lack of control, she cannot maintain her wings for too long.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraints: A pair of butterfly-shaped earrings. Despite the fact that they couldn't restrain her Alice properly, Ayane decided not to get any more restraining devices, and wishes to control the rest of her active Alice with her own will.
Basic Information:
Name: Chiyoda Maya
Alias: None.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14
Personality: Maya is known to be strange for quite a long time. Her smile is sometimes described as scary and eerie. She has some closet fans due to her apparent dark and sadistic nature.
Some prefers to call her a silent lunatic instead, most of these being her female classmates.
Maya has a playful yet ambitious nature, aiming to one day have a better lifestyle then her parents could ever afford for her, albeit always bored and passes her daily life composing new musical compositions due to being lonely. However, she refuses to admit feeling lonely.
Background: Maya is from a poor family, who for one was not against transferring into the academy, yet her parents didn't wanted her to. She sacrificed herself- no, ran away so that she didn't have to live the life of a poor-family-girl. Her family interpreted their child in a different way, thinking that she 'sacrificed herself' so that they'd get money from the government. Regardless, Maya wishes to have a better and more luxurious life-style, wishing to one day gain the Triple Star rank in the academy.
Maya's Alice was discovered when she played the piano on her relative's house, it was purely coincidental, but she started to compose music (mostly improvising while playing the piano). As it was quite impossible for a young child to compose, it garnered quite a lot of attention, resulting in Alice Academy's attention towards her.
Maya is not very sociable nor talkative, and thus doesn't talk to many. Rather, people feels a different air from her and stays away, even though she never did anything. Perhaps it was due to the way she carried herself in every day life; wanting to be rich. She likes to spend most of her time composing lyrics or just playing the piano in the Technical type class.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 4
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Name of the Alice: Musical Composition Alice
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Technical type class.
Type of ability: Technical type.
Alice's Effect: Maya's Musical Composition Alice is allows her to compose various mysterious musical composition which apparently gives different effects to the listeners, depending on the music itself. When Maya played the piano (as a 5 year old, she didn't really know much about pianos) for the first time, her listeners were all very refreshed at the end of the performance, so much that all the stress in life felt as though they were unimportant.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
Basic Information:
Name: Kokoro-Yomi
Alias: Koko (addressed by this nickname by his friends.)
Gender: Male.
Age: 13
He should be slightly more taller now.
Personality: Kokoro-Yomi is a mischievous child, with a habit of playing prank on people who are fun to mess around with, but only for fun. He uses his Alice to read his classmates' minds sometimes to reveal a lie whenever someone lies, just to see how his fellow classmate gets shunned for lying.
For some reason, he
always keeps a light smile on his face, which makes it rather hard to know what he's thinking.
Background: A mysterious person who doesn't stand out easily. Apparently he has connections to the teacher
Yamada Serina, but information about that is unknown.
Kokoro-Yomi was originally always depressed and never smiled, his face would instead scare his classmates; ever since he transferred into the academy, but the partner who was assigned to him influenced him to change his ways, and now he almost always keeps up a smile.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 3
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Name of the Alice: Mind-Reading Alice.
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Latent type class.
Type of ability: Latent type.
Alice's Effect: Kokoro-Yomi's Mind-Reading Alice allows him to delve into the minds of any individuals and thus he can read others' minds.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
((OOC: His name literally means 'Mind-Reader' but we're following the Japanese version on this RP. Note that he was never named in the manga even though he was a frequently appearing character, mostly for comic relief. So yeah, don't bother me about his name, lol.))
Basic Information:
Name: Koizumi Luna
Alias: None.
Gender: Male.
Age: 17
Luna from Elementary School Division:

Luna from Middle School Division (a bit more older and taller):
Luna has short strawberry-blonde hair (for those with poor imagination: Pink hair) that almost reaches her shoulders and cold blue eyes. Under her lip is a beauty mark. She also has thick lips.
Personality: Luna is seemingly an innocent and weak person. But in reality is a person swiftly moving away from sanity, and is simply lonely; always looking for a friend. Students tries to stay away from Luna as her Alice is feared by them.
Luna fell in love with the Elementary School Principal as she felt that she was treated specially compared to others in the Dangerous Ability class - which is under his control. She'd probably do anything for him, so long as he orders her.
Background: A girl who was once abandoned by her parents, this resulting in her enrollment to the academy. Luna was initially treated normally by everyone, until news of her Alice spread throughout the campus. Due to her Alice being dangerous, she feels isolation and lonely as everyone distances from her, for their own safety, since her Alice can be used for manipulation.
Luna was thus put into the Dangerous Abilities class as her Alice was considered dangerous by the authorities. Currently, she serves under the man who she fell for, the Elementary School Principal; who ordered her to observe certain students for now.
Affiliation: Elementary School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 2
Alice: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 2
Name of the Alice: Soul Sucking Alice.
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Dangerous Ability type class.
Type of ability: Special type.
Alice's Effect: Luna has a Soul Sucking Alice which gives her the ability to control others and leave a bite-like mark behind if she sucks some of the person's soul out. The victim does not remember the events happening while being controlled. If Luna sucks all of the person's soul, that person will die. She can control multiple people with her Alice, enough to make them use their Alice to her advantage. The only way to stop her is to use the Stealing Alice to take Luna's Alice stones out the victim's body (which she plants in them when sucking soul out).
Form of the Alice: Limited.
Alice Restraints: Luna was given Alice restraining piercings (golden color; they don't look very different from normal piercings) for her to wear, which can make the effects of her Alice weaker and short-term.
Basic Information:
Name: Harada Misaki
Alias: None.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14.
Her eye-color is red and hair is pale red (from originally in manga).
Personality: Misaki surprisingly has a complex personality. Fiery, confrontational, strong-willed, and brash, she is a girl you would not want to mess with. However, she is very loyal and caring to her friends. In contrast to her slim features, she actually possesses great strength and resistance, which she is famous for aside from her good looks. She is a rather authoritative person, but also rather sensible, even though she will not hesitate to kick and punch her close friends when she thinks they're acting unreasonable. She is highly upbeat and humorous in her own way.
A bit of a tomboy, Misaki dislikes going to girlish festivities like the Hana Hime Festival, and shows open disdain for girls who waste their time fussing over their looks.
Background: Misaki is a student who has been in the academy for many years now. She is known to be a part of the Special Alice type class, and is thus treated as a 'reject' as most of the other students from the same Alice type class. However, the motto of said class is to be carefree and do whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-do. So she stays as her true self and never hides under any facades.
Even without her Alice, Misaki is a formidable opponent. She is accomplished as a hand-to-hand combatant in Alice Academy. She can take down men bigger than her without breaking a sweat. Her Alice greatly compliments her fighting abilities, which makes her even proficient in battle.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 2
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Name of the Alice: Doppelganger Alice.
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Special type class.
Type of ability: Special type.
Alice's Effect: Misaki's Alice is the Doppelganger Alice. It is an Alice of self-replication, a process by which she can make copies of herself. Her power is not limited only to creating perfect duplicates of herself, but also all the items on her person (clothing, shoes, etc.). Each of the duplicates carries very distinct personality individually. She can absorb her doppelganger back into herself at will, which also makes her gain the memories, knowledge, and skills of the duplicate. The extent of how many doppelgangers Misaki can produce is currently unknown, though she is seen capable of producing a large number of her copies.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: None.
Basic Information:
Name: Hyuuga Aoi
Alias: Princess of the Dangerous Ability class.
Gender: Female.
Age: 13.
She should look older now - slightly more taller and grown-up if anything - as that image refers to her appearance at the age of 9.
Personality: Aoi was always seen as a cheerful cute young girl, who's almost always seen smiling, but not as much as Ichigo, who is her 'senpai at smiling' because of Ichigo's apparent radiance. Aoi can sometimes be a little mischievous, being slightly non-caring about breaking the academy's rules every once in a while so as to have fun.
Aoi sometimes mentions that she tries to keep up a smile as much as possible as her older sister doesn't - who gives a cold shoulder quite often - which is why she has to smile in her stead as well.
Background: Aoi and her family moved to a village where they planned to hide from the academy's attention. Her older sister, Ai, and herself went to the academy subsequently after they were found out. Initially it was her older sister who decided to go, because she apparently hated living out in the sticks, and Aoi couldn't help but follow her to the academy due to being worried. Her older sister seemed to be at a loss for words the day they left the village for the academy.
Later on, it turned out that due to difference in age, they were both separated, and lived different lives in the academy. Slightly envious of her older sister who is the student council president, Aoi tries her best to be a suitable sister who studies seriously, but can't help herself out of boredom and thus she partakes in mischievous activities rarely. It seems that she didn't inherit the smarts from her parents, and barely managed to get her Star Rank promoted from Single Star to Double Star in order to graduate to the Middle School Division. Aoi thought after entering Middle School Division - gaining another star may be an impossible feat for now; her older sister is in a league of her own.
Affiliation: Elementary School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 2
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 3
Name of the Alice: Fire Alice
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Dangerous Ability type class.
Type of ability: Latent type.
Alice's Effect: Aoi's Alice is the Fire Alice which she inherited from her father, like her older sister. This Alice gives her the ability to create and manipulate fire to her will. However, unlike her sister, Aoi's Alice Form is Intermittent. It is the conclusion she came to, as she doesn't suffer from using her Alice, but the Alice is quite powerful, despite it not being as strong as her sister's Fire Alice.
Form of the Alice: Intermittent.
Alice Restraint: To limit the use of his Fire Alice, Aoi has to wear an earring that she cannot take off, it is given to her so that she doesn't let use too much of her Alice; limiting it's usage so that it doesn't disappear early in her life.
Basic Information:
Name: Shiraishi Seira
Alias: Female Delinquent of the Middle School, Trouble-kinesis.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14.
Seira's hair color was colored blond after she became a middle schooler, her original hair color was brown.
Personality: Seira is a carefree and upbeat person. She has no self-restraint, and due to her brash and unladylike nature, loves to have fun in a different way than most of the girls of her age. The delinquent facade gives her a rude and vulgar demeanor, but she does it all to either kill time or take out her hate for the academy and rub it against them directly; to blow accumulated steam from anger. She wants to change and be like the others girls, but she gets along with boys with similar attitudes instead, and has been unable to become more ladylike, despite her secret wishes and attempts.
Background: Seira was born in a poor family, one with very average income. They could surely provide anything and everything for a single daughter, but Seira's parents were obsessed with having a son or two, and didn't wanted Seira. This was a fact completely not known to Seira, who was obscurely sent away to Alice Academy, as if sold away. With the money paid by the government, they planned to start their family anew; one that would not have Seira in it. However, Seira wouldn't knew about it for a long time.
Seira was sent away to the academy when she was only five years old, so she grew up in the academy, and barely saw the outside world in her short lifetime. All she remembered were her parents, who only acted nice to her. She desperately wanted to go home, but was never allowed. Regardless of her efforts to pass the tests, someone would always score higher than her, and that was the only way to meet her parents taught to her. Until she met a group of delinquents with poor attitudes, they taught her all the bad manners that she were never taught, and she also learned that 'maybe' the academy would kick her out if she turned into a 'bad girl'.
The rest of the time when Seira was in the Elementary school, she spent her time playing the bad girl - to the point that it became a part of herself - but she was still not kicked out. By the time she entered the Middle School branch, she matured enough to understand how things worked in the academy. Now she only hates the academy, and still keeps up her bad demeanor and habits. She sends mails to her 'parents' everyday, in hopes of receiving a reply, but has never once gotten any. She can't bring herself to believe that she's being ignored, and claims that her parents are busy and hardworking.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Perception: 3
Alice: 2
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 3
Name of the Alice: Telekinesis Alice.
Star Ranking: Double Star.
Alice Class: Latent Ability type class.
Type of ability: Latent type.
Alice's Effect: Seira's Telekinesis Alice allows her to levitate any objects close-by, especially within a few meters in range, within her vision. This includes other people. Her control and power is limited to a few objects, and sometimes many small objects, but it can't lift more than two human at the same time due to a person's heaviness. This Alice may rarely go out of control if Seira's head is injured while the Alice is in use.
Form of the Alice: Diffuse.
Alice Restraint: An earring worn on the right ear that restrains Seira's Alice past a limit, it was given to her as a form of punishment. It cannot be taken off.
Basic Information:
Name: Serio Rei
Alias: Persona, Moderator of the Dangerous Abilities class, Monster of the Dungeon.
Gender: Male.
Age: 25.
Persona wears a lot of black, which applies to his clothes, nail polish, high heeled shoes, and lipstick. Without his Alice restraints, Persona appears to be rotted. This appears to be the reason why he was called or known to be a "monster."
Personality: Persona is a cold and mysterious person. He is rarely seen in any classroom and wears a mask all the time. He is very obedient to the Elementary School Principal Kuonji.
Background: Considered to be very dangerous, Persona was locked away in a place where others couldn't find him, as he could barely control his incredibly powerful Alice. His Alice passively effected the looks of his body, turning his skin mostly black, that made him look like a monster. Which was why his parents couldn't stand his presence, and sent him away to Alice Academy.
Persona later learned to control his Alice, and it turned out that he was very handsome and attractive, with his pale skin. Apparently this was possible due to Elementary School Principal giving Persona many Alice restraints to help him bring his Alice under control.
Persona was assigned as the moderator of the Dangerous Abilities class later on after he officially became a teacher, by this time, no one referred to him by his real name, so most of the teaching staff and student body does not know his real name.
As the moderator of the Dangerous Ability class, he is the one who gives missions to the Dangerous Ability type students, as well as have to pay special care to some of the students who are difficult to take care of. For this, he had to be more perceptive about how they felt and behaved. As these children can be mentally unstable, Persona tries to manipulate them based on their personality.
Affiliation: Elementary School Principal.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 3
Alice: 5
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 1
Name of the Alice: Mark of Death
Type of ability: ???
Alice's Effect: Persona has the Mark of Death (Corrosion) Alice that has him leave marks on anyone who touches him and also leaves a cross under his left eye. These marks will get worse if the person keeps touching Persona or if the marks continue to spread and worsen as time passes. He can rot away not just living things, but buildings and floors as well.
Persona can even 'absorb' knives, or anything stabbed into his body and can recover using his Alice, albeit it takes some time to work, and it doesn't exactly make him invincible as there is a limit to it.
Form of the Alice: ???
Alice Restraints: Persona wears a plain white masquerade-like mask, as well as rings on each of his fingers and an earring all of which acts as Alice controlling and restraining devices. If any of them breaks, he starts to lose control of his Alice, and thus his some of his skin starts to turn black again.
Basic Information:
Name: Miya
Alias: The Eccentric Teacher, Moderator of the Special type Alice Class.
Gender: Female.
Age: 24.
Personality: Thought to be a strange person, Miya is a calm yet playful person who loves to do fun things, but is always interested in doing things she never did before, for which she caused a small explosion in a chemistry lab due to her so-called innocent curiosity. However, despite her demeanor, she is very interested in Alices themselves, and always loves to come across different types of Alices and always wants to know how they work.
In fact, it can be said that she is somewhat obsessed with gaining more knowledge about Alices. This may be one of the reasons why she became a teacher.
Background: A teacher whose past is mostly unknown. Miya is known to be of foreign blood, but her family moved into Japan long ago.
What's known about her in public, is that she moves around in a specialized wheelchair made only for her. No one knows what happened to her legs, or how it happened. But it's apparent that she can't walk. Some says that it's because of all her fooling around that resulted in it. Nonetheless, Miya evades topics regarding her legs with a smile.
Miya teaches English in her classes, and maintains good relationships with her students. She has something about her that makes her seem very friendly towards her students.
Miya is also the moderator of the Special type Alices' class.
Affiliation: Middle School Principal.
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Perception: 2
Alice: 4
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 3
Name of the Alice: ???
Type of ability: Special type.
Alice's Effect: ???
Form of the Alice: Limited.
Alice Restraint: Her hat is a device that allows better control of her Alice.
Basic Information:
Name: Kuonji
Aliases: Principal Kuonji, Elementary School Principal.
Gender: Male.
Age: ???
His height is only 145cm.
Personality: Manipulative, conniving, ambitious and apparently corrupted. He has a gentle and composed demeanor, and loves to gain 'pawns' via various methods for his personal agenda. His mannerisms are that of a more mature person, this makes him even peculiar as he appears to be a child.
Background: A mysterious figure, not much is known about him. Possessing the body of a child, which makes him one of the most strangest person to ever have as a principal. Despite his appearance of a twelve year old child, he is a very influential figure who seems to have big plans in store for the academy, which may do more harm than good.
Nothing much is known about the Elementary School Principal, other than the fact that he has been a principal for as long as anyone could remember, and that he seems like a strange person.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 1(+2)
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 2
Alice: 3(+2)
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 5
Name of the Alice: ???
Type of ability: ???
Alice's Effect: ???
Form of the Alice: ???
Alice Restraint: None.
Basic Information:
Name: Himemiya
Aliases: Hii-sama, Middle School Principal, Principal Himemiya, The Academy's Protecting Goddess.
Gender: Female.
Age: 60s.
Personality: A strange lady known to famously dislike men, and holds interest for girls only; upon meeting beautiful girls for the first time, she tends to escape reality to her strange fantasies... for which she gets scolded by Shizune often. Despite her weird interests, all the members of Hanahime respects her very much. She can be capricious and fearsome when angered, and one would do best not to meet her wrath, as such she is sometimes intimidating and feared by many people, but in actuality she cares for her peers.
Background: Himemiya was regarded as a beautiful woman, with long wavy hair that fall down her back. She usually wears Japanese traditional clothes; mainly the kimono with hairpins on her hair. She's always seen with a fan in her hand, and sometimes hides her lower jaw with her fan or her kimono sleeve, a sign of politeness in manners.
Nothing much is known regarding the Middle School Principal, other than the fact that she dislikes men, and doesn't usually allow them to enter her 'garden' known as the Hana Hime Den (translation: Den of Flower Princesses).
There are old rumors mentioning that Himemiya is actually a descendent from a Japanese noble lineage, and that she has been living inside Alice Academy all her life; most likely to keep the academy protected from outside dangers. She is known to be the strongest Barrier Alice user, as her Alice is strong enough to protect the entire academy with her power, at all times, her Alice's influence is stronger in the Hana Hime Den as she lives there, for which others' Alices' effects are either halved or almost fully nullified.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 1(+3)
Alice: 5
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Name of the Alice: Barrier Alice
Type of ability: Latent Type.
Alice's Effect: Himemiya has a strong Barrier Alice, for which she is called "The Academy's Protecting Goddess". Generally, the ability of a Barrier Alice is to make a shield that can deflect Alices and attacks.
Unlike ordinary Barrier Alices, Himemiya's Alice has the power to inhibit and weaken other Alices inside it. Thus, those who comes to close to the Hana Hime Den, or typically comes close to her finds their Alices getting weaker. She can 'loosen' the Barrier Alice's effects whenever she wants to. She can also look at places that her barrier covers; something that works relatively like the Sight Alice.
Form of the Alice: ???
Alice Restraint(s): ???
Basic Information:
Name: Yukihira Kazumi
Aliases: Principal Yukihira, High School Principal, God of the High School Division.
Gender: Male.
Age: 60.
His appearance is that of a 20 year old due to his Alice, thus his height is 185 cm.
Personality: Kazumi Yukihira is a slightly cold person, but serious and strict. He excels at managing various things on the back-ends of the academy. His expression usually seems to exude his seriousness, which makes it seem like he never ever laughs or smiles.
A responsible person who sincerely cares for the safety and well-being of the students enrolled in the academy.
Background: A person who had been living in the academy for a very long time, so much that he barely knows anything about his family or siblings. As the principal, he was so busy that he never had time for any actual personal agenda. He is the person who usually checks and gives the final judgement regarding whether a potential Alice is actually an Alice or not, as his Alice allows him to see the Alice in a person's body even through pictures, although students don't know that they get checked by the Principal.
He finds the Elementary School Principal's actions strange and suspicious, and thus is somewhat in disagreement with him, thus there are internal conflicts in the academy, not known to the students, much less most of the teaching staff.
Affiliation: None.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Perception: 2(+2)
Alice: 3
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Name of the Alice: Kazumi has two Alices:
- Longevity Alice
- Detection Alice
Type of ability: Special type.
Alice's Effect:
- Longevity Alice: Kazumi's Alices are both thought to be extremely rare. His primary Alice is the Longevity Alice, with which he can live forever. As such he is sometimes regarded as the 'God of the High School Division'. Despite having such a rare Alice, Kazumi does have a disadvantage, if he is in danger, he doesn't have any particular Alice that he can use to protect himself.
- Detection Alice: His second Alice is the Detection Alice that allows him to know what Alice or Alices a person has by meeting them in person or looking at them in a picture. He can also tell by looking if an Alice's power is about to disappear. It is apparent that he can even find out that an unborn child has an Alice, by simply looking at the mother's stomach at which he is able to see a glow which signifies the unborn Alice.
Form of the Alice: ???
Alice Restraint: None.