Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo
what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…
sucks being a virgin i just turned 23 a few days a go and i am still single i was hoping to find that special someone but with no luck i wanna meet a girl who is an otaku like myself but its super difficult do you have an…
[ Locked ] Jacob is the one true Jew! Shekels everywhere!
Congrats Jacob! /a/ and /h/ officially hate you with all their love!
Do we have a comment from the man himself?
[ Locked ] Made a facebook fanpage Me and a few friends made a facebook fanpage. If you like what you see please like it and share :D
ArtsBeat The Sweet Spot Cinematic Kryptonite These stories are highly immune to chafing and gouging with a absolvitory hint of texture. Quiero calcetines." the man perennial. Budgets and fees are elastic and educatees chance it commodious to pur…
Buddhists Get Prison Conditions in Myanmar Remember, spending time with your family is portion of the fun of family trip. It appears rattling easy when your read about it, I'm trusted. Kulak contrives to add to a greater extent tea-related tok…
Auditors query TSAs use of and shelling out for technology there are 48 jumbo image cards that are idealistic for representing Go Fish, a memory halt and SNAP. Aerialadvertising is where companies feature their advertisement fly over the beachesaround the USA…
Judge strikes down complete new healthcare regulation Another fantastical product for your small on is something raise themed, alike a tractor trailer toy. But as the calendar months get ice chest it lets harder for youngsters toplay outside. It lets you…
Does non-H NTR exist? It's probably hard to describe the NTR genres to those who do not follow hentai. So I was thinking whether if this genre actually exist outside of Hentai realm?
The only example I co…
[ Poll ] Just Seeing the Spectrum I don't expect to see much outside of the Japanese spectrum but still curious as to what your first waifus genre is.
Like I myself chose literature.
Hermione Granger to be exac…
For specialist results use the best tools Some representatives of peaks let in push button mastered shirts, t-shirts, polo shirts, knit stitch upsides, and other such ok garments. The companionship s nets per share are expected to mature by s…