Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Dead Enough of this
2 years on FAKKU Two fucking years now, read some very talented and artistic things. My life hasn't changed at all, except I have met and enjoyed the company of a whole new bunch of people from all over the world, and…
I got a new ride Frontal view: Spoiler:…
People Why all the hate on solid?
They don't have to encourage me Thumbnail
They don't have to encourage me yeah, those hands are mine ^ I'll still be comin back :3 enj…
Next time I'm just going to warn anyone who replies to Mantis' necrobumps, or outright ban them. (I'm looking at you, SolidShark.) Stop encouraging him. …
Need Instructions How do you guys calm yourself down after something very unpleasant occurs?
Dear Newfags When we set you on fire, do not pour gasoline at your feet and then act surprised when you are engulfed in larger flames. Thank you, Your Ass Raper…
Risperdal Thumbnail
Risperdal Is a Antipsychotic drug that can possibly causes breasts growth in males... Sound like it's win to me and working as intended for all intensive purposes breasts make everyone happy!…
3 years on Fakku I guess this is it, I finally made it. Here's to another three years spending my free time with all of the great friends I've made here. That's a joke though, fuck you guys.
Ladies - What's your favorite hentai manga? When I saw the comments for Shiwasu no Okina's Girlfriend Boyfriend Girlfriend, I was a little surpris…
What happened to Gambler Club's new C80 releases? Hi Everybody, I have a question if someone know the answer just as the tittle say, someone know what happened to them?, cuz i cannot find anything on internet the…
RAMBOOZLED Come at me bro.
One Year On Fakku [size=12]So i just got the one year Achievement on being signed up on fakku. Glad to say that im still going strong and will continue to fap until th…
The Authentic Limegreen Birthday thread. Thumbnail
The Authentic Limegreen Birthday thread. Disregarding the obviously fake birthday thread that was made earlier (since he even admits that he doesn't believe it's really limes birthday. …