Anime and Manga



Wallpapers x3 hey everyone, i have a suggestion! >3< why don't you post your wallpaper(s)? just drawn not photos pls x3 Spoile…
[ Locked ] Fate/ What if???? well everyone knows that fate/ stay night was good series and hope for fate zero to be anime. what if they made another fate sets in 100 years into future. [spoil]like main character could be shirou a…
Senkō no Night Raid Thumbnail
SenkÅ� no Night Raid The story is set in Shanghai in 1931, when the Imperial Japanese Army has been dispatched to mainland China due to the relatively recent First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I. I…
Which Anime Girl/Guy are you currently in love with? Me its no question Kirie Kojima!!! damn shes hot!! and what a figure!! *Pops a boner thinking of her* …
Naruto 491 You can read the manga online Here. Discuss. S…
Comic Relief during Moderate Tension While reading the latest Naruto chapters, I found a little comic relief. I didn't care much of it; there could have been more content. It commonplace for serious stories to have it. The ti…
Digimon or Pokemon? I'm not talking about the games or anything. I mean in general from story, to characters and all that stuff. If you were to be engrossed in one of these worlds which one would you choose?
Which is better Shonen or Shoujo????? Which is better Shonen or Shoujo?????
Naruto 490 It's out here Spoiler:…
Bleach 399 Well latest Bleach is out. Seriously.. I really hoped Gin's bankai would be better than this *I'll try to post a pic later since you can't do it right now*
Fullmetal Alchemist 106 Thumbnail
Fullmetal Alchemist 106 Im at a lost for words. This chapter was simply amazing.
Strange References If you watch anime, you occasionally find these strange references to a lot of different things that you wouldn't expect to be in anime. People seem to be misunderstanding. What I mean is…
[ Poll ] Whos the Greatest Main Pokemon Trainer Or the Well Known Trainer with a Fetish for Pikachus Ash Ketchum Spoiler:…
WHY!? Why is it that the most beautiful girls in the anime never get the guy? It pisses me off beyond belief because the main character can have his pick and yet he always chooses the girl with the short ha…
Macross Here I am watching Macross for the first time. (Well, the first time not including Robotech.) And for an anime made in the early 80s, it holds up surprisingly well; as long as you can forgive the thin…
Wish A manga that is only 4 volumes long but it was worth me spending 4 pounds on it .... WAYHEY cheap manga ho!!!! anyway down to buisness Synopsis: One night, a man named Sh…
Opinions on the end of Inuyasha Hi Well it's been a long time coming for Inuyasha but the final episode of Inuyasha Kanketsu-Hen is finally done and if you want you can watch it at What do you guys thin…
Looking for a good manga. Anyone know a good romance manga series with drama and all the good stuff? Any suggestions?
100% Legal Anime Fan Most anime fans break the law, in some way, due to their fandom. It's been this way for years. Scanlations and fansubs are, technically, illegal. The only things that have changed over time has been t…
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - Franken Fran Do you think this was a honest to goodness Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster reference or simply a coincidence? Spoiler:…