[Anime] White Album 2 So, the Best VN for 2011 will finally get an anime.
Animation Studio: Satelight (Aquarion EVOL, AKB0048, Hellsing Ultimate)…
[Anime] Sword Art Online (Postponed to Summer 2012) While moving a particular thread earlier, I learned that the light novel "Sword Art Online" contained some sex scenes. At first, I was wondering why this title sounded so familiar, until I realized I …
[ Locked ] SWORD ART ONLINE SEASON TWO ANNOUNCED !!! What a wonderful start for year 2014 eh?
It is stated in the website that we will have a season two in SAO
Original Link : http://www.swordart-online.net/
Half minute tr…
[Manga] Minamoto-kun Monogatari Minamoto-kun has a face pretty enough to make people think he's a girl. Because of his face, he was bullied by the girls in middle schoo…
Coppelion art style. It's been bothering me a bit, but does anyone else think it looks a lot like Homonculus' work? For some absurd reason it does to me.
I can't believe they're the same voice! You guys know Hiroshi Kamiya?
The one who voiced Matou Shinji? The most hated bastard in the Fate series? Even moreso tha…
Was Coco a Ghost...? (Boku no pico) I just finished boku no pico and I'm honestly...confused as to whether or not coco was a ghost. At the beginning Pico and Chico were just walking around the city until all the lights went out and Coco…
Just got done watching School Days, what are your thoughts? personally to me the ending was weird and fucked up, I never would of guessed such a nice romance anime would turn into a depressing nightmare. also what are you thoughts on Makoto? I thought he was a…